Senator Chris Murphy(D) Appears Annoyed By Palestine Solidarity Activists Protesting Outside His Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Senator Chris Murphy(D) Appears Annoyed By Palestine Solidarity Activists Protesting Outside His Fundraiser

CT Centinal -The Connecticut Democratic Socialists of America (CT DSA) shared footage of protestors gathered outside a fundraiser for U.S. Senator Chris Murphy in Avon, CT, today.

The “Palestine Solidarity Activists” were holding signs with pictures of Murphy and the words “complicit” and “genocide” in large block letters, and demanding that he join U.S. Senators Jeff Merkeley and Jim Welch in calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. more

19 Comments on Senator Chris Murphy(D) Appears Annoyed By Palestine Solidarity Activists Protesting Outside His Fundraiser

  1. …speaking of a second Holocaust, I heard on the radio today that because of an impasse, Netanyahu pulled his negotiators.

    …I honestly don’t know how you can AVOID an impasse if the people you are trying to reach a deal with it have the death of YOU, everyone you love, and everyone who WORSHIPS like you as a non-negotiable item during your talks, unless you’re planning total ethnic suicide…

  2. If someone wants you dead and you don’t want to be dead, what’s to negotiate?

    Palestinians are evil cockroaches – their word means nothing – liars to the core.
    They care for nothing other than spreading evil and discord – division and hate.

    “For onely (sic) in destroying I finde (sic) ease To my relentless thoughts;”
    (John Milton. Paradise Lost)

    The entire Middle East (Jew and moslem, alike) should rise and destroy them; for they are a pestilence – and have been for some thousands of years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There’s a reason none of the Arab countries want Palestinian refugees coming to their countries. I miss the days when that disgusting fat slob Yassar Arifat (Piss be upon him) was the face of Palestine.

  4. Note to rational Jews: The same individuals in America calling for cease fire in Gaza are also all in on “gun control” here in America. In case you don’t recognize it for what it is, let me clue you. THEY WANT YOU DEAD!

  5. all political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Zedong

  6. Are those palestinians who support Hamas any less quilty of attacking Israel and murdering Iraeli citizens?

    Few if any Gazans are innocent, they funded and supported hamas for decades while hamas built rockets, stored weapons, built tunnels, attacked Israel and killed innocent citizens.

    Clear the Gaza strip of all palestinians humanity, ship any survivors to Iran.

  7. Furthermore… Fuck his Goddamned annoyance. What annoys me are all of the malicious, maladjusted, malcontents the Democrat Party encourages to act out in the first place. Too bad they didn’t ass rape the dirty motherfucker with a piece of rusty before they left.

  8. Haha! Terrorist groups “visit” the residence of a puppet Democrat politician. The price he pays for selling his soul to the devil. Marxist intimidation, destruction and terror spares no one.

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