Senator Cotton Delivers Speech Ahead of 400th Anniversary of Pilgrims – IOTW Report

Senator Cotton Delivers Speech Ahead of 400th Anniversary of Pilgrims

h/t Pecan

5 Comments on Senator Cotton Delivers Speech Ahead of 400th Anniversary of Pilgrims

  1. Suggestion for Trump press conferences.

    Lead the press conference by going on a diatribe about how the msm is nothing but propaganda, etc. Then wait for Cavuto and the rest of the deviant queer media to cut off the feed, then give real news that the conservative media who are left will have first on their networks.

    I mean play dirty as hell with these commie-queer liars. Make provision to, in some way or other, fuck over those bastards in every single thing you do.

    And if the msm claims you are putting them in danger, laugh hysterically.

    They want war, GIVE THEM A FREAKIN WAR.

  2. History isn’t what actually happened, it’s what people believe happened.

    And that controls how they think about the world today, and how they believe and act about it.

    That’s why the winners, or the ones that want to be the winners, always try to write and rewrite history to be in the favor of their current causes.


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