Senator Cotton: No stimulus funds for states earmarking stimulus payments to illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Senator Cotton: No stimulus funds for states earmarking stimulus payments to illegal aliens

LifeZette:That would cover several big liberal states.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) appeared on the “Hannity” show Tuesday night and advanced a novel proposal: He advocates withholding federal funds for any states that allocate stimulus payments to illegal aliens.

“We shouldn’t be spending hard-earned taxpayer dollars on illegal immigrants at a time when 35 million Americans are out of work,” Cotton said. “If we are going to be giving relief checks to those people who are out of work, we need to focus on American citizens, not illegal immigrants.”

The very fact that those who came here by breaking the law are now rewarded for it, in this way and in so many others in places like New York and California, is a slap in the face to hard-working Americans all over the country who pay taxes to support the local, state, and federal systems. More:

6 Comments on Senator Cotton: No stimulus funds for states earmarking stimulus payments to illegal aliens

  1. That leftist politicians think that citizens won’t resent their giving money to foreign invaders proves they are arrogant and stupid.
    Sic semper tyrranus. Andale.

  2. How about ZERO dollars for ALL states? The citizens of each state voted for what they have; they made their collective beds, now sleep in them.

    It’s bad enough I have to pay for the stupidity of my own state, let alone 49 others.


  3. Anon at 5:47am,
    I beg to differ. I have relatives (thank goodness only by marriage) who have bought into the idea that these ILLEGAL ALIENS have come to do work no Americans will do, and are just lovely, deserving people.

    I have given up trying to explain they could have come legally, they send the majority of the money earned back to their home countries, the illegal smugglers who bring them to the U.S. are the worst of the worst, etc. etc.

    It does no good. They have been brainwashed to believing kind=right.

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