Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military as a Pathway to Citizenship (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military as a Pathway to Citizenship (VIDEO)


In a controversial turn of policy advocacy, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is now advocating for a bold and contentious plan as proposed by another Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL): allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the U.S. military as a pathway to citizenship.

In his recent address, highlighted the demand for legal immigration, suggesting that illegal immigrants who can pass physical and background tests should be allowed to serve in the military. In return for their honorable service, they would be granted U.S. citizenship.

Durbin’s rationale hinges on the military’s current recruitment struggles. He argues that there are illegal immigrants eager to serve and risk their lives for the country, which could help the military meet its recruitment quotas.

“The presiding officer, my colleague from the state of Illinois, has legislation which addresses one aspect of that,” said Durbin. more

16 Comments on Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military as a Pathway to Citizenship (VIDEO)

  1. Military for defense? Hasn’t been that since 1945 (at least – Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler certainly agreed back in the 1930s). This is just a means to get folks armed up to kill US citizens/natives when they give the order. And if that doesn’t come to pass, then plenty of votes to extend the tyranny.

  2. This is exactly why teh open borders policies are endorsed by demrats. Replace us with foreigners who have no idea what Posse Comitatus is all about.
    It doesn’t take much imagination as to what follows.


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