Senator Graham Calls For Hearings Into Trump Syria Withdrawal – IOTW Report

Senator Graham Calls For Hearings Into Trump Syria Withdrawal

breaking911: WASHINGTON – United States Senator Lindsay Graham, usually a Republican ally of the president, called on Friday for immediate hearings into U.S. President Donald Trump’s order of a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.  more

23 Comments on Senator Graham Calls For Hearings Into Trump Syria Withdrawal

  1. I don’t think he should have called a hearing if he had a problem. He should have called for a meeting with the President and people who both agreed and disagreed with a pull out and let them all hash it out. I don’t know if they should have had boots on the ground in the first place but I also don’t know the implications of pulling them out now.

  2. Lindsey’s slip is showing again. Anyone still believe he’ll “get to the bottom of HRC’s emails and targeting of Trump” when he takes over Grassley’s seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee?
    Or how about his name being bandied about to replace Mattis?

  3. LCD
    Lindsey still occasionally tastes Mcshitstains dick in his mouth.
    From our vantage point, it’s tough starting to trust one of these parasites, and then have them flip a bitch right back to something so fucking stupid. Keep the faith pal.

  4. Syria was the anus of the World 40 years ago when Hafez Assad was in charge.
    It (obviously) hasn’t improved.

    I never understood our strategic interest in that cesspit, and still don’t.
    Bashir Assad is fighting ISIS and Putin is supporting him, so what’s the point?
    The place is a sick, feverish nightmare of intrigue by the CIA, NSA, KGB, Mossad, ISIS, (I’m sure the Chinks have their spooks in there, too), Iran, and Heaven only knows who else.

    It isn’t worth the bones of a single San Franciscan.
    (to paraphrase Bismark)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I sent flairs up about this chameleon more than once, especially when everyone was so orgasmic during the Kavanaugh hearings. Just when you think he’s finally seeing the light he slips the knife in your ribs.

  6. Asad is Syria’s equivalent of
    Sadam. He’s a bastard but he
    kept the radical muslims under
    control and his country limping
    along but functioning.
    We should support the Kurds with
    arms because we owe them and otherwise get the hell out and
    let Asad kill the ISIS murderers
    we have been insanely arming.

  7. To make myself clear here, Graham has every right to question the Presidents decisions. It’s his duty. I question the arena he chose. A hearing is generally public and that’s where all the political bullshit comes out. A private meeting with people representing all points of view is where the President could explain his reasoning and more then likely get agreement from most, if not all of the players.

  8. We need a moral Businessman; not slimy politicians.

    “America was a second rate world power. Know when we transitioned from that into the wealthiest nation the world has ever seen? When World War I was raging and we wouldn’t get involved and we sold them the goods we manufactured here. All of a sudden, America owned the world.”


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