Senator John McCain Explains Mysterious Boot Switch – IOTW Report

Senator John McCain Explains Mysterious Boot Switch

I know where that boot needs to go.

Conservative Treehouse: Lots of people were wondering why Senator John McCain’s orthopedic boot mysteriously switched from his right leg to his left leg yesterday.

Senator McCain has worn the boot on his right leg since treatment for a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon at the beginning of the month.  He explained the switcheroo in a tweet.

SNIP:  Regarding his excuse- Why didn’t he just leave the boot off?
Also,  sorry but I forgot who I should hat tip for this story. So, tip yourself. 🙂

39 Comments on Senator John McCain Explains Mysterious Boot Switch

  1. I have one knee that survived a M/C collision with a vertical rock wall, on Saddleback Mountain, in the freezing rain.
    Sometimes I wear a brace, particularly when the barometric pressure drops. a hurricane is really painful.
    Nope, I never did get up in the morning and say to myself: Self, I think if I put the brace on the other knee, it will feel better.
    Sympathy brace, Ted wore one too, after killing the poor girl.

  2. When you lie, it can be hard to remember what you said. Especially with a diseased and fucked-up brain.

    Just go home John and contemplate what an evil ass you are.

    Thanking you in advance.

  3. Like John Murtha when he put himself in for a Purple Heart Award in Vietnam after suffering a minor shrapnel wound in a mortar attack on the base, he forgot which extremity he was actually wounded in! He was one of those John Kerry type war heroes.

  4. I have neuropathy in both legs, bad knees, and use a walker but I never use it backward to give my fear of a nosedive a rest.

    Me thinks Mr. Sympathy-Seeker had a different aide this day who “puts the brace of the wrong side.” You know how bad the help from the VA is suppose to be.

  5. checking both pics in the link I immediately thought one might be a ‘flipped’ pic (happens often), but they’re not … unless McShitStain doesn’t wear a wedding ring.
    also, check the left foot on the first pic … he’s wearing some sort of non-slip apparatus …. or sumpin’

    sorry Mr. Drain Bramage, explanation doesn’t “wash”

  6. Circle Jerk Off:
    Put your left leg in
    Your left leg out
    Your left leg in
    And shake it all about
    You do the hokey pokey
    And turn yourself around
    Now put your right leg in
    Your right leg out
    Right leg in………….
    Oh gettafukouttahere McStain.
    Sai che tu sei un pezzo di merde!

  7. On some program the other night I watched Joe Biden award McCain some type of award for man of the year 2017, or something. Kerry also got an award for something. I swear I puked three perfect martinis and six olives. I swore to the wife, no, it was not the food……. honey. Aw, yer just drunk, she said. I wasn’t,believe me. It was the TV, I said.

  8. I wonder will the Forrestal Fire ever be truly investigated.? I’d love to see an end to it before I pass on. If I meet the POS in hell I’ll go after him. Whadda I have to lose?

  9. McCain’s longer explanation:

    My Fellow Pancakes,

    In regards to “bootgate”, let my wife dictate in more characters than that blue bird app. will allow.

    My right foot had a slight Achilles tear in it so it needed to be in a boot. I hate boots. Remember moon boots? Those were fun. I had two pair, pink and blue, but kept the pink ones for my wife’s daughter, Candace Gingrich.

    So my other right foot, without the boot, started to get pretty gimpy. So I asked my Dr. what to do because now both of my legs were hurting, and he said he was a dentist, not a medical doctor, and I says to him I says, “So why are you called a Dr. if you aren’t a Dr.?” So he just pat me on the head and said he was a toothy Dr. not a footy Dr. Then he got a green lollipop out of his drawer for me, but I wanted purple and he didn’t have any so I just held my breath until he put it back.

    So anyway, I put the boot on my other right foot because that’s what you do when your foot hurts. My wife suggested I leave it off because otherwise it will just irritate the other foot all over again, and I’ll have two screwed up feet. You know, when I was in Vietnam, I had gooks giving me medical advice too, and I didn’t listen to them either. Chung dong boah, yang yung gong! I don’t think so slanty, heh heh.

    Trump didn’t go to Vietnam. If he did, he’d be wearing a boot now too. But we’ll see about that! Great again my ass….

    (He fell asleep, that’s all. Thanks everybody)

  10. McCain is either lying about having an injured foot or he’s so addle brained that he can’t tell his right foot from his left.

    Either way, he’s not fit to serve as a US Senator.

  11. I’ll take the hat tip credit MJA. I had to send this article in because this non-war hero is more full of shit than a colostomy bag convention.

    And I want everyone to know I’m working overtime on this turd. Death is coming, I PROMISE!

  12. Senile Dementia.
    Same affliction as Pelosi.

    Take em out back and give em a rock to play with – big enough that they can’t swallow it – tell em it’s a bunny or something.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. I can understand that he hates wearing the boot. I have had similar devices and they really are a pain. However, I was never tempted to switch legs and put the boot or brace on the good leg, leaving the weak/injured leg unsupported.

    I think it is more likely that it is the glioblastoma (brain tumor) speaking than logic.

  14. I will add that such boots, like shoes, are not interchangeable. You cannot put a medical boot for the left foot onto the right foot without pain and discomfort, just like your shoes.

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