Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Kavanaugh Nomination – Outlines Political Standard for Nomination Withdrawal – IOTW Report

Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Kavanaugh Nomination – Outlines Political Standard for Nomination Withdrawal

CTH: Senator Lindsey Graham discusses the current status of the Kavanaugh nomination with Fox News host Sean Hannity. Senator Graham says he feels confident that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Senator Mitch McConnell is confident there will be a vote by the end of the week.

However, Mr. Hannity ponders what happens if two of the GOPe votes withdraw. If 49 yea votes are forecast, Graham does the infamous triple-lindsey

Senator Graham outlines his advice to President Trump if two-of-three Senators (Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins) do not support the nomination at the end of the week. Graham would advise President Trump to pull the nomination and campaign in the 2018 mid-term election with Kavanaugh as the primary issue. Oddly enough, that’s the same goal held by the Democrat wing of the UniParty.  read more

12 Comments on Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Kavanaugh Nomination – Outlines Political Standard for Nomination Withdrawal

  1. No, Lindsey. That is not going to work at all. If you can’t get Kavanaugh confirmed, your Senate majority is useless, and all your fine rhetoric last week is no more powerful than any of the many sternly worded letters you people churn out. What has been done by the Dems to Kavanaugh CANNOT be validated and rewarded.

  2. I’m sure Clapper, Brennan and Comey approve of your plan Lindsey. Who got to you this weekend? Was it the stuff about the closet that mellowed you out so badly?

  3. I’m appalled that a conservative nomination is being held up by 2-3 so called conservatives.

    Why are there these senate turncoats in the GOP? They should have been purged when the GOP was a minority. There has to be some sort of litmus test in which the GOP can expel members that cross party line. Turn these goofs into independents or better yet, Democrats!

  4. Vote. If Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed, run on the issue and hammer Senators that didn’t vote to confirm and are up for election. If the Republicans gain a few Senate seats, nominate Kavanaugh a second time. Warn, no threaten, Senators up for the 2020 cycle that their Kavanaugh vote will be thrown in their faces again.

  5. What Cherrybark said. Make them accountable to their voters BEFORE the midterms. We can’t do much about Flake, but we can damn sure put the squeeze on the Heitkamps and McAsskills.

  6. “Make them accountable to their voters”.
    That is the trick, isn’t?
    And assuming those voters have any more integrity than the candidate is a dangerous assumption indeed.

  7. I posted last Friday or Saturday that the whole Flake thing had been choreographed, that Flake was not cornered in the elevator, that Flake was a scripted player in this Kabuki theater production and was in on the writing of the script and…. yesterday evening Mark Levin read from this article published in Political validation that my instinct was 100% correct:

  8. OAKS

    the only way you can honestly call GWB’s three “conservative” is if you say Ron + Barry were liberals and FDR was conservative. Otherwise you area liar!


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