Senator Lisa Murkowski Comes Out in Favor of Even Higher Gas Prices in Order to Adequately Punish Russia – IOTW Report

Senator Lisa Murkowski Comes Out in Favor of Even Higher Gas Prices in Order to Adequately Punish Russia


This DeceptiCon, this specific one, owned by the multinational corporate conglomerates, is one of the worst in office.

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski tells Politico tonight that she is in favor of higher gas prices for Americans if that’s what it takes to punish Vladimir Putin.

…”We’re going to see price increases. Nobody wants to see that. This is going to hurt. But we need to recognize Europe is in the midst of a war w/ Russia. Innocent people are dying. We have not been in as volatile as a situation as anytime in my life.“…

~ Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

Here we go with the narrative of you being unpatriotic if you are not willing to financially suffer the pain inflicted intentionally by the U.S. government.  Not willing to pay $7/gal for gasoline?  You’re selfish.  Not willing to forego a better life for your family, in order to save Ukraine?  You are a horrible person.

However, this narrative is even worse, because the NATO (aligned with World Economic Forum) economic warfare is not only a combination of ideology and corporate influence, but it is also made worse by U.S. government energy policy – which is aligned with the multinational corporations demanding the confrontation.  Effen’ FUBAR all the way around. more

SNIP: Hey, Alaska. Why haven’t you called for a vote machine audit yet?

24 Comments on Senator Lisa Murkowski Comes Out in Favor of Even Higher Gas Prices in Order to Adequately Punish Russia

  1. Pretty weird statement coming from someone who’s face looks like the front end of a ’57 Buick…

    We need people who will promote solutions, not justify the malaise and incompetence that we are suffering!!

  2. That stupid cunt can always be counted on to support anything that fucks over the US public and conforms to the media generated false narrative du jour, always.

  3. A good friend of mine lived in Alaska in the 70s and 80s, working on the pipeline. A few years ago, when he was dying of ALS, he went back to visit old friends. He came back depressed, because everyone he knew there was smoking marijuana all the time. They were lazy and had no ambition.
    That may help explain why Lisa Murkoski keeps getting re-elected. And all the Californians who moved there.

  4. The fraudulent election of 2020 was an engineered hostile take-over designed to weaken the United States and push it out of the way. As such we can see that it emboldened Russia to move against Ukraine. In 10 months more dominoes will fall! Russia and China will make hay while the sun shines!

  5. Rat Fink, it could be worse her face could look like the front end of an Edsel. You know what they said about the butt ugly Edsels, that the front end looked like an Oldsmobile sucking a lemon. The late 40’s great big behemoth Buicks with the grills in front that looked like a buck toothed nightmare were worse.

  6. Putin embarrassed them, no not at all! Maybe you. We should bend over & let Putin do what ever he wants, maybe you. This is what dictators do. A bullet in his brain could stop this. We, America/Americans are going to be forced to take this prick out, hopefully with other countries help. We will not back down nor stop, his time on the earth is coming to an end.

  7. Just a reminder that the last time she ran for election, Murkowski LOST in the primary and ran as a 3rd party candidate. She “won” after very obvious ballot-stuffing by TPTB.

  8. Did every Democrat in the world take the same green new deal, new world order Economics 101 course that AOC took? How does making Russia rich and us poorer punish him?

  9. She never drives and never gasses up a car. Even if she did, she’d get it paid out of office expenses and write it off her taxes.

    Her elevator may not reach the penthouse, but her wallet has no bottom, either.

  10. Look, brains are developed, but unfortunately you lost out. You keep asking the same questions over & over, if you don’t like the answer, don’t ask the question!

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