Senator Mark Warner(D) Is Lost In Space – IOTW Report

Senator Mark Warner(D) Is Lost In Space

Liberty Nation: Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) appears to have entered the Twilight Zone. The vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is worried about UFO sightings and the “safety” of our pilots. According to Rachel Cohen, spokesman for the senator, “If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” Politico reported.

This statement would be laughable if the senator were not serious.

Despite frequent sightings, none of these flying objects have ever fired upon, hindered, or otherwise taken any offensive action against U.S. aviators, sailors, or military personnel. But that hasn’t stopped Warner from his deep, dark concern.

Earth To Warner

Unable to control everything here on planet earth, Sen. Warner has high hopes of protecting our naval airmen from flying saucers that seem to defy our laws of aerodynamics. These spheres are known as “unidentified aerial phenomenon” and seem to come and go without any rhyme or reason. Or if there is one, the Navy is not talking. Still, there is no forensic evidence that these are hostile entities with plans to scoop up our Navy pilots and whisk them away to planets unknown. read more

18 Comments on Senator Mark Warner(D) Is Lost In Space

  1. He can be indicted in the spygate crap. He is sweating bullets. I guess with this he can now claim insanity. This guy while being a sitting senator got 6 million dollars from the ruskies in 2012. Hypocrisy!

  2. …the way to solve the space alien problem is to entice them to land on one side of Guam. Then, according to Hank Johnson, another Democrat genius, the island will tip over, which will end the threat.

    Nice job, Democrats. Anything to deflect, delay, deny, and destroy, eh?

    …It’s what they do….

  3. …I’m only surprised he hasn’t claimed that the aliens are orange skinned and blonde haired, and wearing MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hats instead of helmets, given what they obsess about 24/7/365…

  4. …at least he’s worried about SOME kind of illegal alien. Now, if they came down with a load of anal probes most Democrats would be fully onboard with this, and they could seal the deal by putting an “I’M WITH HER” bumper sticker on their glassing beam housing…

    …here’s a song just for Mark. It will calm him down if you tell him it’s not just a song, it’s CNN vetted real news, he’ll never know the difference…

    “I came across a smoking field, pulsating afterglow
    I saw a seering flash of light erupt and skyward go
    I staggered back in dazed surprise
    What was it I had seen?
    And as I stood there mesmerized I heard my spirit scream

    Invader, invader nearby
    Invader, invader is nigh

    This is the first of more to come in carefully planned attacks
    If it is so we must prepare defenses to fight back
    The call is out throughout the world
    United we must stand
    To build a line, strategic force, they will not take a man

    Invader invader nearby
    Invader, invader is nigh

    When they come to take control every man must play his role
    They won’t take our world away when the children we leave
    Will have to believe in today

    We warn you now you things out there
    Whatever you may send
    We won’t give in without a fight, a fight until the end
    With vigilance by day and night our scanners trace the sky
    A shield is sealed upon this earth, a shield you won’t get by”

    -Judas Priest, “Invader”

  5. When military pilots, who were seeing “foo fighters”
    watching them since WWII and are still under observation
    by craft they can see but still can’t catch are concerned, I’m concerned.
    The new ship based military radars can see them.
    The Navy is arming ships with radar guided lasers
    that are able too shoot down high speed missles.
    A UFO that can’t dodge a light speed “bullet” may be engaged and shot down making the owners “unhappy”.
    What happens when that happens?

  6. Virginia went full stupid about 10 or 12 years ago.

    The result?

    Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.
    Former Governor Terry McAuliffe.
    Current Governor Moonwalk KKK Blackface
    Lt. Gov Serial Rapist who announced yesterday that the allegations has raised his name recognition to a point that he will run for Governor.
    Attorney General Mark “rotten fish” Herring, also a blackface wearer.

    Way to go Virginia. We’re a national laughingstock.

  7. UAP/AAV been here for hundreds maybe thousands of years. 2004 Nimitz contact leaked along with 2014-2015 Roosevelt encounters, both with ATFLIR, SPY-1 radar, submarine USO contacts and highly-trained fighter pilot Mark 1 eyeballs.

    2019 and we have AESA SPY-6 radar on Aegis cruisers, next gen Hawkeye planes, next gen ATFLIR on fighters. You can’t NDA 5000 people on a CVN; it leaks.

    Disclosure community uses the word “threat” to force info out of the black USAP world into white. The only question to ask is:

    WHY NOW?


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