Senator Thom Tillis (R- NC) Demands Zuckerberg Fire Staffer Who Let Obama Campaign Steal User Data – IOTW Report

Senator Thom Tillis (R- NC) Demands Zuckerberg Fire Staffer Who Let Obama Campaign Steal User Data

Daily Caller: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled by the Senate Tuesday for allowing Cambridge Analytica, a data company that worked for Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016, to harvest user data from his platform.

However, little was made of the fact that the Obama presidential campaign in 2012 used the same tactic with the social network. Former Obama campaign staffers have openly bragged about how Facebook turned a blind eye to the practice and even congratulated them.

Republican North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis raised this discrepancy in his forceful questioning of Zuckerberg on Tuesday.

Tillis said, “I think that we need to fully examine what Cambridge Analytica did,” before noting a number of articles cataloging the Obama campaign for doing the same.

“Somebody asked you earlier if it made you mad about what Cambridge Analytica did,” Tillis noted, saying Zuck should be “equally mad” about the Obama campaign.

“When you do your research on Cambridge Analytica, I would appreciate it if you would start back from the first high-profile national campaign that exploited Facebook data,” the senator said.

Facebook has been silent on the Obama campaign scraping for data.  watch

17 Comments on Senator Thom Tillis (R- NC) Demands Zuckerberg Fire Staffer Who Let Obama Campaign Steal User Data

  1. more smoke and mirrors.

    this is a side show to distract from the treason going on in front of us.

    facebook is a private business. no one was forced to belong. no one was forced to read anything posted on it.

    if you ask me face book seems to be a “pen” for sheeple.

  2. About had it with pop up bullshit on this site. My computer blocks but not my handheld. Becoming unusable. Is that why a many of the commenters no longer appear here? Need to fix this third party bullshit. Had my device checked by techs and they say it’s definitely this site that’s allowing the access.

  3. I was on FB for 18 hours. I signed up, linked to a few family members, and when I woke up I was linked to over 50 people, most of whom I had no desire to have contact with. So I dumped it immediately. That was six years ago.

    Does that stop FB from tracking me? No. A couple times a week I get emails from FB listing peoples’ names, people I know, who I did not link to, saying they have new comments posted.

    Zuck Fuckerberg. I hate FB. I wish my wife would realize what a waste it is and dump hers as well. FB is a cancer that kills the mind and robs us of privacy.

  4. When facebook has the means to manipulate elections its time to break it up. The dems were happy as larks when Obama used them to sweep an election but when Trump cleverly drew from the same source to effect his election they exploded.
    You can bet these little worms are prepping for the up coming elections to insure that doesn’t happen twice.
    They need to be neutralized.

  5. It’s like looking forward to the post Thanksgiving dinner football game out in the yard.
    The comeuppance that these creeps have been begging for is waaaaaaaayyyy overdue.

  6. Different Tim,
    I’m no tech wizard, but maybe the problem is in your virus protection/pop-up blocker selection.
    I use Avira (free) and I never have problems on laptop or handheld.

  7. Jeez, what a waste of breath. Tillis rambles across five minutes on a speech that will not be covered on any significant media, while Zuck quietly thanks his lucky stars that he didn’t have to respond to a single thing. Tillis’ point is crucially important, of course, but this accomplished nothing.

  8. Pop ups blocked. Opt out ad personalization. Block notifications from site. This(IOTW) is only site happens on. Started when site recently redone. There were obviously some issues with that. Realize site needs revenue. Everytime I click article, opens new tab. When I leave article, bam, pop up. Then have to click off site, reload, and repeat with EVERY article. Frustrating.

  9. Wow, that asshole Tillis finally got something right.

    Then he reverts to form:
    Just hours after President Trump reacted angrily Monday to news that federal agents had raided the office and home of his personal attorney, a bipartisan group of four senators is planning to announce legislation Wednesday to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s job.

    Democratic Sens. Cory Booker and Chris Coons will be joined in the longshot effort by Republican Sens. Thom Tillis and Lindsey Graham, the AP reported, citing two anonymous sources familiar with the legislation.

  10. Different Tim; same here since last site redo with ad for biz insider. But I don’t have to reload . Try Ghostery and/or Ublock origin. Right now they are blocking 19 trackers. I wrote a check to this site to help offset ad revenue.

  11. @bill April 11, 2018 at 8:27 am

    > facebook is a private business.

    Facebook was created by The United States government.

    Facebook continues to exist only at the whim of The United States government.

    It is as private as NASA.

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