Senators Blast Capitol Police For Failing To Provide Credible Threat Intel To Justify DC Fence – IOTW Report

Senators Blast Capitol Police For Failing To Provide Credible Threat Intel To Justify DC Fence

National Pulse:

The March 12th letter emphasizes how the justification for the two security measures remain unclear to the American people – and even the Senate.

“Since the events of January 6th, Capitol Police has repeatedly failed to provide specific credible threat intelligence to adequately justify the current Capitol security posture, which remains disproportionate to the available intelligence,” the letter signed by five Republican senators notes.

“As it relates to fencing, it is entirely unclear to us why the fencing around the complex remains, given the absence of any current specific threat to the Capitol and given the ability to rapidly re-deploy fencing should that threat posture change,” it continues before raising similar concerns over the extended presence of National Guard troops. read more

8 Comments on Senators Blast Capitol Police For Failing To Provide Credible Threat Intel To Justify DC Fence

  1. The fence and the National Guard is there to continue the narrative about how dangerous the Conservative half of the country is.
    After their raping of Lady Justice, stealing and making a mockery of our election process, trashing the Constitution, looting the Treasury, and assaulting the Liberty of every American, their supporters included, they may have a valid concern.

  2. According to Jack Davis of the Western Journal in an article in todays Federalist Papers a National Guardsman from New York has been found dead and his death is under investigation. The left has blood on it hands. It’s way past time for the National Guard to stand down and go home since there has been no credible threat whatsoever of any so called insurrection and for them to quit protecting all the cowards and chicken shits who think they own and run this country in Wash. DC.


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