Senators ‘Dramatically Expanding’ Probe Into Obama-Era Scandal, Think Surveillance May Have Started ‘Even Earlier’ Than 2016 – IOTW Report

Senators ‘Dramatically Expanding’ Probe Into Obama-Era Scandal, Think Surveillance May Have Started ‘Even Earlier’ Than 2016

DailyWire/ Saavedra: Two Senate committees are expanding their investigations into the Obama-era scandal that involved surveilling members of the Trump campaign, which Attorney General William Barr has said amounts to “spying,” saying that they have reason to believe that they are becoming increasingly concerned that the surveillance started before the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson and Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley wrote a letter to Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell asking for the declassification of “additional information related to the unmasking of Americans around the time of the 2016 election, but also to expand the scope of our request to include information as early as January 2016.”

“Based on our investigation and recent press reports, we are increasingly concerned that the surveillance of U.S. persons affiliated with the Trump campaign began earlier than the opening of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation in late July 2016,” the letter continued. “It has become evident that the FBI, and possibly members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, were focused on U.S. persons affiliated with the Trump campaign in early 2016, if not even earlier.”

“Again, the best way to resolve these issues is to determine the truth, and to make clear to the American people what did and did not occur,” the letter concluded. “For these reasons, we respectfully request that you make available to us, as soon as possible, all information regarding the “unmasking” of U.S. persons affiliated with the Trump campaign requested by members of President Obama’s administration from January 2016 through January 2017.” more here

20 Comments on Senators ‘Dramatically Expanding’ Probe Into Obama-Era Scandal, Think Surveillance May Have Started ‘Even Earlier’ Than 2016

  1. I’m skeptical, too, that any of the swamp monsters will ever pay any significant price for their crimes. However, if they ever are to be “brought to justice” it will take more and more evidence to emerge.

    And more and more evidence IS emerging. We’ll see.

  2. If they really wanted answers they could just ask Tom Fitton for all the info he has already obtained & released, showing multiple crimes by the nefarious cabal of traitors that was the obama administration.

  3. Where’s Lil Rubio and his Select Senate Committee on Intelligence? Seems like he’d want to be in on that action. Mark Warner and Mitch must have told him to sit down, shut up and act like the Acting Director that he is.

  4. I’ll guarantee you that the Surveillance started earlier. The Kenyan Krempuff is a paranoid, skinny, little, unaccomplished, disingenuous shit-weasal who was in the White House under false pretenses and damn-well knew it! This guy never so much as ran a lemon-aid stand before getting to be a Senator under very questionable circumstances. Speaking about unaccomplished, I’ll bet good money that is the reason behind why his records are sealed! Deep down people like that have no confidence and are always worried about what people think of them or who’s going to find out the truth about him, so they keep tabs on everyone. Guilt works in mysterious ways!

  5. “Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City.” – wiki

    That’s when things got going in my opinion, like when the Swamp saw him coming down the escalator. they said, “oh shit”.

    This POTUS is not the alpha type to be burned…he will not let them get away with it, I am FULLY confident, that while heads won’t roll, there absolutely will be high level prosecutions,

    Also, our military, for what was done to them and the Constitution for those long eight years, was unforgettable for many.

    DJT is walking a very FINE line here guys and gals and is trying to package this thing for public consumption because, any way the dice roll, it coming up craps for many, in the short term.

    Listen to this, for what it’s worth…I am not familiar with the site below, but came across it and seemed AWFULLY interesting…if anything.

    Oh and people seem to forget that the Traitor spied on Congress during the Israeli elections along with the help of Brennan the Bastard.

    Believe me I felt VERY burned with the whole Sessions thing.

    Yes, you have to keep being patient, we only have a few months left…


    PS – And if, nothing happens? I’ll go back to sitting in the back of the classroom, bored and just stare out the window…taking pictures of birds.

  6. ^^^ That would be spectacular if only 50% of that list were achieved! These indictments (and convictions) really need to happen otherwise not doing so simply gives license to future Administrations to do whatever they please knowing they are above the law. This is partly why it takes so to develop a case, because failure can set an ugly precedent!

  7. I am sure that the Obama administration started this behavior as soon as he won the 2008 nomination, and they would have been tying into a deep state network that has been working for the Democrats since at least Bubba’s reign of treasonous arrogance.

  8. Janitor: FIVE YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS start to run from the date of the discovery of the crime or the illegal activity in most cases. Someone can’t commit a crime and get away with it simply because they don’t get caught during the five years following the commission of the crime. The Statutes of Limitations are tolled in many civil cases based on all sorts of legal reasons that vary from state to state. Osmidgen and Obiden are not in the clear yet.

  9. we’re gonna hold HEARINGS, & we’re going to bloviate & pontificate, tell ’em what’s what, uphold the righteous indignity of our constitians … uh, our consitians … , congruents, uh, constituents & bring the full wrath of the workers … I mean ‘the people’ down upon anyone that dares to violate our sacred Constitution, which I have solemnly swore to uphold, so help me God!

    now, you’ll have to excuse me … I have a very important call from the Chinese Ambassador that I must address involving the future of my bank account of our sovereign nation … God bless America! … thank you, thank you, thank you

  10. @Aaron Burr – We quote the Rascals in our house all the time, go to 21:00 then ‘well well, look who fell in the well” @30:05. Weezer was Jackies ‘Coopers’ younger brother, but you know this. Look up how Weezer died…

    Talk about Reee-maaa-cable…


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