Senators Hope to Redirect Federal Funds From Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Senators Hope to Redirect Federal Funds From Sanctuary Cities


As the Trump administration continues to crack down on sanctuary cities, Congress may soon join the fight and penalize sanctuary cities nationwide.


8 Comments on Senators Hope to Redirect Federal Funds From Sanctuary Cities

  1. They “hope” to?
    In other words the progressive RINO republicans will not vote for this initiative. Without Senate leadership (McCONnell) it’ll never pass regardless if this is best for the Nation.

    No responsibility to enforce the law of the land, no accountability and no ramifications.

    The House and Senate are paper tigers, all talk and no action.

  2. Anyone else get the feeling that most of the Republicans are just delaying everything with the hope of losing in 2018 so they can go back to saying, “We want to repeal Obamacare but we’re not the majority!”

  3. Rino’s never learned how to think different. Always stuck in a rutt, with no imagination or adaptability to a constantly changing landscape. Utterly useless parts that need to be replaced!

  4. That’s really interesting. So, don’t back the President, oh wait, there is money we can ‘divert’ to our use!! GO for IT!

    So, if the obamacare repeal ‘savings’ was able to be ‘diverted’ to the personal use of congress, it would have been passed in both houses, on day one?

    I really think congress just works at ways to rob the public coffers. How else do they get so damn rich? Just look at the ethical breeches that are known. Imagine if there was a congressional audit, for each member. They’d scatter like roaches in light.

    Congresspersons seem to be the most unaccountable ‘servants’ of the Federal government. No wonder they fight President Trump. They are damn afraid he is exposing them as the crooks they truly are.

  5. Our dumb blonde She-Mayor here in Nashville has announced she will defy President Trump and make Nashville a Sanctuary City. Resistance is all cute ‘n stuff, Pea Brain, until you find out in reality you’re breaking the law. And these Congress Critters had best start supporting POTUS. My patience is wearing very thin.

    On another note: GO PREDS!!!!!!

  6. Amazing, once a Senator or Congressman smells money to spend they go charging after it regardless of the fact it’s taxpayer money or that the country is up to it’s eyeballs in debt and approaching the point that it simply has no chance to pay it off. The political system as it stands may be more damaging to the country then ISIS.

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