Senators Move to Cut Legal Immigration in Half – IOTW Report

Senators Move to Cut Legal Immigration in Half


Bill would severely curb chain migration, eliminate ‘outdated’ diversity lottery.

A pair of Republican senators on Tuesday unveiled a bill that would severely curtail “chain migration,” which they contend would cut legal immigration in half within 10 years.

If it became law, it would be the most significant change to the U.S. immigration system in decades. Proponents argued that the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act would increase economic opportunity for low-income Americans by reducing competition from foreigners.

“We are taking action to fix some of the shortcomings in our legal immigration system,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said in a prepared statement. “Returning to our historically normal levels of legal immigration will help improve the quality of American jobs and wages.”

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13 Comments on Senators Move to Cut Legal Immigration in Half

  1. Don’t just “curtail” it.

    Abolish it completely.

    We’re drowning in human dregs because one illegal “anchor baby” born on taxpayer’s charity in a US hospital becomes the excuse for bringing over a literally unending chain.
    The whole clan, the whole village.
    And each new import can now import his/her entire clan/village.

    It was designed to work exactly like a viral pandemic contagion. has the best statistics and background on stopping destructive immigration.

  2. ” which they contend would cut legal immigration in half within 10 years.”
    Why is it politicians always tell us what the effect will be 10 years from now. I want to know what the effect will be before their elected term is up not what it will be after they’re gone.

  3. Cutting “legal” immigration while the illegal hordes cross the border with impunity doesn’t solve the larger problem.
    But it does have an impact, going in the right direction, don’t stop now.

  4. build the wall, create a national I.D. for work and voting, out law anchor babies and just watch how fast immigration becomes sensible again.

    But expect the left to die in the last ditch over theses. It’s all they have for clinging to what power they have and their only hope of ever regaining control of the levers of government.

    They are the party of forcing everyone else to take care of their constituents. The sooner this symbiotic relationship between the moochers and those that feed them is broken the sooner this nation gets out from under the mountain of debt that’s been accumulated for generations now.

  5. NO! This bill has serious problems that are obvious. I can only imagine what’s hidden.
    The immigration bill cannot be written by a Democrat or a Rino to be legitimate.
    Let the left be notified that due to their obstruction of immigration law and their illegal invasion of foreigners we intend to freeze immigration until the overage has been corrected. This is why we voted for Trump and we don’t intend to compromise.

  6. Legal immigration, contrary to the views of the uninitated and poorly informed, is a huge part of the invasion and problem. The WHOLE THING — legal, illegal, refugee, diversity, H-1BCDEF and G, all needs to be stopped. If you tell Congress that legal immigration is AOK, they will say cool, we just upped the numbers of legal immigration to 3 million/yr. If you have 10,000 Somalis dumped on your town does it really matter if they are legal, or not? I just heard Rush Limbaugh saying “we love legal immigration. It needs to be done the right way.” Hey Rush pull your head out of your neocon kiester and smell the coffee. “Rush I was going to dump 5000 illegal Syrian goat herders next door to you but I knew you we object. So we had Congress make this legal and we’re going to do this the right way, so it’s legal and I know you totally are cool with that right.” The whole thing needs to be stopped, if you give Congress a crack on this they will keep flooding and bankrupting us.

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