Senators renew push for year-round E15 fuel use – IOTW Report

Senators renew push for year-round E15 fuel use

JTN: A bipartisan group of Senators is asking the Biden administration again to allow the sale of E15 fuel throughout the year.

The Environmental Protection Agency bans the sale of gasoline mixed with 15% ethanol during the summer months. Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., and 16 other senators said in a letter to the administration the prohibition should be removed as soon as possible.

“Taking early action on E15 will send timely and necessary signals across the energy supply chain so that fuel producers and retailers will have the certainty they need to ensure affordable, reliable, and cleaner fuel options for American consumers throughout the year,” the senators said. “Further, U.S. use of E15 will continue to displace Russian oil and finished gasoline products, ease domestic and global supply constraints, and lower net domestic fuel prices.” more here. h/t joe6pak

32 Comments on Senators renew push for year-round E15 fuel use

  1. I read somewhere some time back that to make one gallon of ethanol (which makes up E15 gasoline) it takes 4 or 5 gallons of normal fossil fuel to make it. If it even just takes one gallon of fossil fuel to make one gallon of ethanol that doesn’t seem to make much sense, since we could have just burned that one gallon of fossil fuel instead. I would imagine that those politicians who support forcing the use of E15 year round are getting big contributions from the producers of ethanol (corn growers, etc.).

  2. OT!!!

    Lauren Boebert just finished speaking at CPAC, looking super vampy in that tight dress sans glasses, she gets me and speaks for me.

    DJT will be speaking at 5:25 ET (2:25 for us normal people), it will be on both the CPAC website and Youtube.

  3. “The Environmental Protection Agency bans the sale of gasoline mixed with 15% ethanol during the summer months.’

    Because climate change or something. (Biggest eye roll EVAH…)

  4. Anything over 10% does real damage to most gasoline engines not specifically designed for it.

    They will destroy our older, harder to track, non-kill switch cars one way or another.

    Just like they will vaxxx us all to death one way or another.

  5. Expact all of your small engine tools to die a quick death. Lawn mowers, chain saws, weed whackers, snowblowers, generators etc….And expect your motorcycles, ATV’s, UTV’s to quit as well…..Small engine repair might become a fortune 500 industry on the Dow….

  6. “Small engine repair might become a fortune 500 industry”
    There really isn’t engine repair anymore, they just get thrown away. The repair parts cost more than it’s worth + labor.
    Unless you have a completely air tight gas can, the shelf life for ethanol is 30 days.
    Ethanol is as big of a lie as global warming.

  7. Brought to you by Archer Daniels Midland

    Never forget, We have that despicable motherfucker Bob Dole to thank for this. Remember how he flat out dry shaved Rush?

    This is what you are supporting with your dollars when you donate to the National Republican Campaign and ANYTHING connected to the Republican establishment.

  8. @JDHasty:

    This also drives up grocery prices.

    It drives up the prices of everything that’s transported or is made from material or components that are transported. And that’s everything.

  9. Willysgoat is absolutely correct. Anything over 10% will destroy a small engine in quick order.
    Where I work is a warranty center for most brands besides our own Cub Cadet brand.
    We see a few units every year where they state that they used it first time and it seized up. First thing we check is oil, spark and fuel. We often find many are trying to run E85.
    Warranty is now voided and you have yard art.

  10. All my small engines run non-ethanol gas. Cost a bit more but they start right up. Add some “Stable” and “SeaFoam” in the winter and come summer the 4 wheeler and garden tractor fire right up. If you need to store gas this is the way to go.
    Also check out Chickanic. Great videos from someone that knows small engines. This one is on E-85 gas and your small engines. You all now the drill on how the links work.


  11. To the senate swamp creeps who want to do this, f**k you, you stupid ignorant POS. Stop the use of it period. Wonder if donations play a part in these spineless, emasculated swamp swilling senators being well paid endorsers of bio fuel? Regardless please report to a retroactive abortion center before you spread your stupid any farther.

  12. There is literally nothing good about using ethanol.

    Less gas mileage.

    Wasted farming land for edible food.

    I don’t need to go any farther than those two to get angry over what they’re doing. Of course pockets are getting lined, but even more damning is they are making our lives miserable on purpose.

    e15 gives me about 30-35% less mileage. Why the hell would anyone want to use that? We need higher mileage if you want less pollution. Less gas used = less pollution. They obviously don’t give a real crap about that – just make us hurt.

    Of course they think we’re too stupid to notice the truth of the matter. Even though many on the left ARE that stupid and believe whole heartedly in the propaganda, it does not improve the situation. Being right doesn’t matter if you can’t correct the bad thinking that’s ruling over you.

    Grrr !!

    Or as Claudia might spell it… Gurrr !! 😉 Just teasing, hun.

    P.S. still looking for Aaron Burr and Vietvet

  13. “You all now the drill on how the links work.”

    Yeah, sure do.

    Stop putting the double slash and the http: on it.

    This is all you need:

    Makes it easier to copy/paste into your address bar.

  14. @joe6pak:

    Ethanol free gas is worth looking for. Even if it’s just to show your commitment to non compliance.

    All the Wawa places in my area sell ethanol-free gasoline, plus their diesel isn’t tagged BIO-diesel.

  15. I get less MPG with the summer blend. I can put 91 octane real gas instead of the ethanol 93 blend in my wife’s turbocharged Audi and pick up 2.4 mpg more per gallon. It will also chirp the tires in a WOT in a first to second shift. It will not do that with 93 octane blend.

    I have a Diesel powered pickup. The 91 octane real gas is cheaper than Diesel fuel. I do not use ethanol tainted fuel unless there is no other choice.

  16. Anything that comes into our shop with fuel issues, usually a fouled up carburetor and/or deteriorated rubber/plastic, we first drain all fuel and put VP brand non ethanol fuel in machine in the event you may be storing before use. It’s about $9 a quart but we inform all customers not to add pump gas until they plan to use it again.
    The best thing to do with your stored equipment is to run it for 10 minutes every couple weeks to a month. The fuel just sitting dorment over time will cause carburetor issues. Starting and running it for awhile will introduce new fuel to your carb and reduce sediment problems.
    Take a flashlight and look around the exposed sides of the tank (if a dark color) and filler area. If you see little white flecks you’ve had fuel going bad.
    Also advise not storing more ethenol fuel than you’re going to use in a month or so a it will degrade just sitting in a container.

  17. Ethanol is another Globaloney-related scam designed to keep the farmers quiet.
    Ethanol is more expensive than gasoline, more expensive than diesel.
    It’s a fool’s scam which enriches the politicians, the corporate farmers, and the EnviroNazis – while doing ABSOLUTELY nothing to change the Sun’s cycles.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  18. I accidentally put E-10 in my 1973 Beetle once. Just an early morning brain fart.

    Anyway, I ended up taking off the carb 3 or 4 times and ended up just dumping that trash out of the tank. Not only did it make the engine run hotter (I have stock jetting) but the shit was full of superfine silt that clogged everything up. And it has a weird expansion rate that will cause bowl valve failure and rupture fuel filters.

    E-10 usually doesn’t have silt in it (I use E-10 in my truck and have not had any problems except my IAC cavity gets extremely filthy), but in a Beetle that’s not specifically set up for ethanol it’s a bad day.


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