Send Granny Ginsburg Packing – IOTW Report

Send Granny Ginsburg Packing

PatriotRetort: Golly, I gotta tell you. It’s as if the Left just can’t stop giving me reasons to vote for Donald Trump. First they tell us if Trump wins, illegal aliens will be deported. Then they warn us if Trump wins we won’t be bringing in Muslim refugees. Then, nitwits like Lena Dunham threaten to move to Canada. And now Granny Ginsburg says she might just have to move to New Zealand if Trump becomes President.

Ya promise?!

If electing Trump can drag this dried up old crone off the Supreme Court and out of the country, then I say VOTE TRUMP!

Donald should capitalize on this. It really is a great campaign strategy.

Vote Trump. Send Granny Ginsburg Packing.

Or, how about:

21 Comments on Send Granny Ginsburg Packing

  1. That reminds me…Obama pretty much STFU about the open SCOTUS seat. And the GOPers seem none the worse for it politically. Think what could have been if these clowns had been this firm with Obama starting in 2009.

  2. Be VERY careful what you wish for.
    This is not happening by accident. If public outcry causes her to step down the shortage of judges will be determined to be a crisis and Soetoro will seat 2 new ones immediately.
    This kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident. They know exactly what they are doing and expect idiotic Republicans to help them do it.
    As things currently stand, I fear that there are enough dumb Republicans who will fall for this and make it happen.
    This is tied in with the current unrest. A perfect storm is being created in order to attempt to allow Soetoro to seat 2 black SJW judges before he leaves office.

  3. “Her mind is shot — resign!”

    Can’t imagine anyone but Trump taking the fight back to her like this. Guaranteed. No one on the progressive left or otherwise rooted in the D.C. garden is owed ‘professional courtesy’ by him.

    He is the master of brand. Few will be able, now, when thinking of RBG, to not wonder about her sanity or her mental acuity. Her mind is shot. Brilliant.

  4. that is a great platform to run on. Would make an awesome ad also. Throw in a couple moving vans, some big guys moving pianos, people purchasing one way tickets.
    Yup. works for me.

    brain dead Bader. see ya.

  5. She complained in the interview that she thought Trump had a big ego. I have argued that she must have the largest ego in America. She is freaking 90 and she thinks she has to stay on the SC. If she would have resigned 2 years ago then Oblowme could have nominated a middle aged SJW in Ruths place and carried on the tradition.
    Ruths ego couldn’t allow that, even though she knew that her replacement could be appointed by a republican she stayed. I am glad she stayed but her ego must be enormous.

  6. Ruthie has a drool bib under her chin. She falls asleep during court sessions and loses track of which case is before the court. Ruthie also thinks that international statutes should influence her interpretation of the US Constitution.

    I wish she and Soros would go back to the Mothership Lenin, from whence they were excreted.

  7. She ranted about gutting the Second Amendment. RGB, go for it! It will be the final straw that will spark the Second American Civil War which will end after we try and execute the Democrat traitors in the House, Senate, and Supreme Court who disregarded the Constitution.

  8. The old hag is mouthing off now because she doesn’t have anything to lose. Satan has informed her that she will be cashing in her chips shortly and that he will be sending Edward (the swimmer) Kennedy to fetch her worthless soul!

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