Senior Citizen Texting Codes – IOTW Report

Senior Citizen Texting Codes



h/t MTank.

17 Comments on Senior Citizen Texting Codes

  1. HWYS – Huh? What’d you say?
    EBSAGC – Early bird special at Golden Corral
    WAMG – Where are my glasses?
    ITIBMH – I think I broke my hip
    DIRTTMPTM – Did I remember to take my pills this morning?

  2. KWK – Kids, What Kids?
    TDCTJWID – They Don’t Care, They’d Just Wish I’d Die
    WGASWYT – Who Gives A Shit What You Think
    GOAFS – Getting Old Ain’t For Sissies
    EMCBYL – Empty My Colostomy Bag, You Loser

  3. AIOAN – Age is only a number
    GPJ? – Got prune juice?
    CRVOS – Can’t reach the velcro on shoes
    CNWP – Captain of Neighborhood Watch Patrol
    HOFEB – Heading out for early bird

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