Senior Senate Staffer James A Wolfe Arrested For Leaking Classified Documents To Multiple Media Outlets – IOTW Report

Senior Senate Staffer James A Wolfe Arrested For Leaking Classified Documents To Multiple Media Outlets

h/t Dandy


In a just released 11-page federal indictment (full pdf below) a Senior Staff official for the Senate Select Committee Intelligence, James A. Wolfe, has been identified as leaking secret and top-secret classified information to multiple media sources.  Mr. Wolfe was arrested Thursday night by federal marshals.  (direct link to justice pdf)

According to the indictment, Mr. Wolfe (58, pictured above), the former director of security, lied to the FBI when he was questioned about his involvement in leaking classified intelligence to the media.  Last night the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed to release documents to the DOJ/FBI investigators.

Earlier today it was revealed a New York Times journalist, and former 3-year girlfriend to Mr. Wolfe, had her phone and email communication seized by investigators.

The criminal indictment was unsealed moments ago:

31 Comments on Senior Senate Staffer James A Wolfe Arrested For Leaking Classified Documents To Multiple Media Outlets

  1. How wonderful! How perfect! A leaker with a girlfriend who works for the New York Times. Hillary Rodham Clinton just opened another bottle of Chardonnay. Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions said things were going to change now that there was a new Sheriff in town.

  2. This is one of the thousands of sealed indictments that have been accumulating, this one now unsealed. Is it possible that Sessions is the Columbo that we had hoped for? There could be a shitstorm developing for the deep state.

  3. The NYT reporter is Ali Watson, late of Buzzfeed. 30 years younger. Sleeping with him for the leaks. Dumpy brunette with a weight problem.

    Probably more shoes to drop.

    About time some Dems With Bylines discover there’s a price to pay.

  4. @ Really Enraged – This is a slow drip/drop…patience.

    @ BS – LOVED Chef B O’ DEE!

    Could be wrong but JS is a White Hat…


  5. @MJA: Rufus T Firefly- Was he sleeping with the other 2? And maybe Comey? lol

    Yes, and as evidenced by the bags under his eyes, I’d say that he wasn’t exactly “sleeping”.

  6. Spag Bol Ragu 4 You
    1 Beef
    1 Pork
    1 Veal
    3 Onions, fine and sweet
    2 Carrots, fine and orange
    1 Bell, medium rings
    1 Garlic Head, Soft
    Many dried Porcini Mushrooms
    1 Bottle Red Wine
    3 Tomato Sauces
    A Rind of Parmesan
    Beef Juice
    Salt & Pepper & Bread

  7. Waterboard him.

    The NYT will pretend righteous 1st Amendment indignation and cry “Resistance!”

    Then they will abruptly throw their expendable millennial reporterette under the bus as a rogue employee. “We had no way of knowing…”

    PDT likes to call them the “failing” NYT.

  8. @joe6pak June 8, 2018 at 12:01 am

    > Is it possible that Sessions is the Columbo that we had hoped for?

    Never had any hope. Abandoned it on entry.

    Just dozing through the Columbo reruns. I’ll slip my boots on when Hinson arrives.

  9. When I worked for the government we were told and forced to sign an agreement that allowed the government to fine us 20,000 and imprison us for ten years if we released the materials we were working with.

    I’d expect this penalty would be used against this man and charges be made against his girl friend.

  10. i expect to see a few of these no name dickheads get a little slap on the wrist.

    the big cheeses like comey and clappar and brennan will not see jail.

    Because the entire thing is one great big corrupt pile of sht

  11. Indicted and arrested does not mean convicted. This guy is a DC insider and may well be as slippery as a eel, or have something on some very powerful people that can help him weasel out, or the FBI could be as incompetent in building a case as they were during the Hillary investigation. The fat lady ain’t sung yet. Hopefully the wheels of justice will continue to turn.

  12. The Federal Gubmint has more damn holes in it’s bucket-o-secrets than a sieve. I am thinking it might be better/cheaper to replace the bucket. Oh well, one down thousands to go. It is all a bit nerve racking, like being pecked to death by ducks.

  13. So that is why CNN is now claiming Trump was a soft porn star, and MSNBC is claiming Trump wants to watch porn all day. Here’s what I said about that…

    “Normally, I would say that this is an attempt to deflect from the recent self-immolation of Bill Clinton, but I have a hunch another big leftie is about to get caught with his pants down.”

    Here’s how it plays out:

    “The seizure of a reporter’s phone and the probing of her personal relationships by the FBI is sparking concern from civil liberties groups, amid reports that President Trump’s shady history with the porn industry is finally catching up to him. I’m Wolf Blitzer. We’ll be back with the details.”

  14. Obama’s DOJ went after news journalist to force them to disclose their sources. Trumps DOJ got the leaker and now has gone after the news journalist to determine what classified information he gave to his girlfriend journalist. I don’t see how this effects free press as some people are saying on MSM.


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