Senior Ukrainian intelligence officer commits suicide – IOTW Report

Senior Ukrainian intelligence officer commits suicide

[RT] The outlet also circulated a suicide note left behind by Bakaev to SBU boss Vassily Malyuk. The late colonel blamed his death on his superiors, claiming he had been systematically mistreated and had had his “human dignity” repeatedly violated. more

10 Comments on Senior Ukrainian intelligence officer commits suicide

  1. Shot himself 4 times in the back – with a 28″ double-barreled shotgun which was recovered at the scene. He had connections to the Bidens, the Clintons, and Zelenskyy.

    A real tragedy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. claiming he had been systematically mistreated and had had his “human dignity” repeatedly violated.

    I hope that isn’t contagious as that seems to be the norm for everyone.


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