Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Attack: REPORT – IOTW Report

Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Attack: REPORT


A Ukrainian military officer involved with the country’s intelligence services allegedly played a leading role in the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines in 2022, sources familiar with the matter told The Washington Post.

Roman Chervinsky, a 48-year-old colonel who served in Ukrainian Special Forces, was the “coordinator” of the operation to blow up the pipeline, according to the Post. Chervinsky’s role allegedly involved managing logistics for the team that rented a sailboat and used diving equipment to plant explosives on the pipelines. more

10 Comments on Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Attack: REPORT

  1. I don’t think he is taking the blame for Biden. It is more likely that the New World Order is writing off Ukraine, just as Biden is being written off. It is part of the big purge of ‘23.

  2. ^^^ It is part of the big purge of ‘23.

    Getting out from under the Ukraine and all this debt will feel like taking a good, healthy shit!
    I just wish it could actually happen!!

  3. What a load of shit. I can’t believe the CIA is still sticking with the laughable “yacht” story. Pretty obvious Ukraine is being thrown under the bus, and craven military and political “leaders” are heading for the exit. Zelensky, the noose is tightening. You’d better hit the ratlines fast.

  4. I suspect it IS credible… because Biden engaged Ukraine to blow it up. The incident is now but one more nail in their blackmail coffin against Joe. What a fricken, m*th*rf*ck*ing idiot!

  5. I’m a lot less interested in whether the story is true or not than I am in WHY the CIA/State Dept bloc is using its primary domestic public relations channel, i.e. WaPo, to release the story right now. What is this going to be in support of?


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