Señor Willie knows it’s Valentine’s day – IOTW Report

Señor Willie knows it’s Valentine’s day

Well. Ya can’t unsee that!

13 Comments on Señor Willie knows it’s Valentine’s day

  1. Now, that’s what I’m talkin bout!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Conservative women at iOTWReport!

    (Can’t see your faces, but I know your brains are, um, uh, ah, you know! You know the thing!)

  2. @jellybean February 15, 2022 at 12:23 am

    > She knows nature abhors a vacuum.

    Mind you I don’t know whether you’ve really considered the advantages of owning a really fine modern suction appliance. You know, they can really do you wonders.

  3. Just read that Russians pulled troops back from the Ukrainian border.

    Do you realize the power of our sucky VP?

    She is so repulsive, with her dimwitted speech and her banshee cackle, that every body runs, even macho Putin!


  4. Willie and The Kam Jive

    I knew a pol nzmed Frisco Willie
    Had a cackling side piece and humped her silly
    Did the bump and grind and the spread Hindu
    And he got some crazy Kam Jive too

    Mama Mama look at Scranton Joe
    Hes doing the hair jive with Baby Flo
    Brandon Joe gonna drop a dime
    Gets to do that hair jive one more time

    Kam Jive, Kam Jive, Kam Jice
    Shes doin’ that crazy Kam Jive

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