Sequoia Capital executive admits ‘even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco’ – IOTW Report

Sequoia Capital executive admits ‘even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco’

American Thinker:

Olivia Murray

I guess all that “culture” (human feces and heroin needles) and “excitement” (rampant crime) of life in a big city is getting a little old for Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital. But, don’t you smug conservatives get any ideas, these blights aren’t a byproduct of Democrat ideas — San Francisco is merely “held hostage” by “political classes.”

In an essay published by The New York Times today, Moritz acknowledged the city was indeed “crippled” by “homeless encampments” and “drug addicts” before he blamed conservatives for rubbing Democrat noses in the mess. Moritz opened his piece with this:

Few subjects please Tucker Carlson more than sticking a shiv into the city of his birth — San Francisco. Sadly, Mr. Carlson has plenty of reasons for portraying San Francisco as a crippled city, hence his fondness for broadcasting clips of homeless encampments and drug addicts. But Mr. Carlson and his ilk have less interest in understanding why these problems exist.

Let me stop Mr. Moritz right there: conservatives lack neither interest in nor understanding about the sorry state of San Francisco. In fact, we care immensely about human suffering, undignified existences, and burdensome realities, but we don’t allow reason and logic to fall by the wayside in pursuit of a utopia that we know exists only in fiction. This balance is what makes us believe a limited government and conservative principles yield the most prosperous results for the greatest number of people. If we were to elevate our feelings over the facts, and in doing so, jettison logic and reason… we’d be Democrats like Mr. Moritz. more

5 Comments on Sequoia Capital executive admits ‘even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco’

  1. Himmler got sick to the stomach watching the eradication of Jews – but that didn’t stop him from pursuing the “final solution.”

    Nothing will dissuade Mr. Moritz from his belief system – if he were to escape San Francisco he would carry his evil Satanic beliefs with him – convinced that his evil Satanic belief system just wasn’t “tweaked” enough to result in his mental aberration of what “utopia” looked like.

    Doing the same thing, over and over for 50 to 100 years, expecting different results, is the definition of insanity.

    Q: “Why do you keep slapping yourself in the head?”
    A: “It feels good when I stop!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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