Seriously??? – IOTW Report


h/t Brad.

30 Comments on Seriously???

  1. “Biosecurity” [SIC – there’s no such word]

    Apparently, COVID can infest your potatoes, corn, squash and tomatoes. But not broccoli. No. Because COVID hates broccoli. In fact, did you know that COVID hates the whole fricken cabbage family?

    Of course you didn’t.

    Every vegetable in that family kills COVID. Who knew?

    You didn’t. I didn’t. I still don’t.

    /sarc (This tag is necessary for newcomers and Austrian Australians.)

  2. Digging into things, it appears that the headline is sensationalist. The bill has broad support from the agricultural sector. The only thing that might be construed as a ban on raising food would be the biosecurity aspect that puts tighter restrictions on the sale and propagation of noxious, invasive, non-native plants and animals, and gives access to property, without warrant or prior notification (ostensibly for dealing with uninhabited farm properties). It will also be more aggressive in identifying and containing disease.

    It all sounds quite reasonable, but there is always room for bureaucratic abuse and the State of Victoria has a history of taking every inch given and then turning them into miles of bureaucratic red tape, so I see where many are dubious about giving greater authority to an already power drunk, socialist administration.

    There is precedent in both the EU and the US for interpreting biosecurity laws to restrict or ban heirloom breeds and varieties, organic farming, home gardens, orchards and farm animals, etc.

    I used to be a legislative watchdog for a community organization. I would comb through legislation looking for hidden zingers that could be abused, so I empathize with the authors, but they need to provide more information to support their argument.

  3. ^^^^^^You just typed a small book saying you have no idea. Like our very own MJA pointed out to me, how are people in the extreme outback suppose to comply to this? This is what happens when they take your guns. And make no mistake, they’d implement it here in a heart beat if they could.

  4. I don’t understand the Aussies with their big knives and shit,why they let their government get away with it. We aren’t much better,looks what’s being done to us.

  5. In the end it always comes down to this: If a gov’t gets so big that it can grant (through legislation, EO, and/or SCOTUS rulings) what are SUPPOSED TO BE God-given freedoms, then they are big enough to take them away.

    Someone please show me where in the Constitution of the United States of America or in any of the individual state constitutions that gives any gov’t the right to mandate (or coerce, force, threaten, bribe, or otherwise harass) us into taking a “medicine” like a so-called Covid vaccine?

    (And what are all these recent headlines about the “disappearance” of formula for babies? Is this another nudge-nudge to curb population growth? I don’t trust anyone anymore.)

  6. I always wonder how much under the table cash the ruling class receives for helping the uber wealthy elites usher in their One World Order? I bet it’s quite significant.
    Control the Health Care.
    Control the energy.
    Control the ballot box.
    Control the freedom to move about.
    Control the food supplies.

  7. Wait until the Australians start killing when they’re hungry. People aren’t going to sit around and watch their leaders wine and dine while they’re starving. Let the games begin! Everyone knows now that the government are liars.

  8. When I was young I shelled corn for seed on various farms around me. Payed good for a kid in high school. But that is all gone now. No farmer can grow his own seed. The big companies like Monsanto have sued any farmer that wanted to do his own seed claiming there corn would cross pollinate with there genetic seed. No one farmer can stand up to a team of 40 fancy suit lawyers.

    Just another step in controlling us. We all see the train coming.

  9. “People aren’t going to sit around and watch their leaders wine and dine while they’re starving.”

    Soviet Union?

    They all sat with their thumbs up their asses (as we’re doing) and died by the hundreds of thousands – by the millions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. If Premier Andrews had just read this, he would realize that that outlawing growing your own food wouldn’t be necessary.

    He must be one of the few politicians doesn’t believe in climate change.

    It’s hard to fathom anyone taking that BS seriously but then I remember only a few months ago when >95% were wearing masks in the grocery store. This has led me to question if humans are actually an intelligent species or some kind of weird alien experiment of cloning sheep.

  11. @Kcir

    It’s not kangaroos they are chasing, it’s sheep.

    Remember the 1960’s hit from down under: “I’ll Never Find Another Ewe”.

    Of course, if the sheep outrun those beer-bellies, maybe they’ll go after the ‘roos.

    Warning: Male ‘roos will fight back.

  12. From the earliest civilizations, people have been free to grow their own food, and have sold the surplus to others. All done without too much government interference. Joe Stalin changed all that with his war against the Kulaks.

    I’m not even going to read the Victoria Govt’s excuses for this tyranny.

    Aussies can’t do much about it…they handed their firearms over to the government.

  13. @Goldenfoxx May 11, 2022 at 9:29 am

    > Wait until the Australians start killing when they’re hungry.

    Australians? In Australia? Carry the zero…

    Awww! Aren’t you cute!?

  14. @Tim Buktu May 11, 2022 at 6:50 pm

    > Aussies can’t do much about it…they handed their firearms over to the government.

    Yeah. That’s the problem. See, Achmed! That’s the problem!

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