SERIOUSLY? Hunter Biden Memoir, Called ‘Beautiful Things,’ to Be Published in April – IOTW Report

SERIOUSLY? Hunter Biden Memoir, Called ‘Beautiful Things,’ to Be Published in April

We already read his super gross book, LAPTOP.


The controversial scandal-plagued son of Joe Biden has a memoir coming out in April, and I can’t even.

A primary subject of his memoir,  titled Beautiful Things, will be his well-known issues with substance abuse. The book is being published by Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Last month, Simon & Schuster canceled Senator Josh Hawley’s book, in the aftermath of the Capitol riot.

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by the Justice Department for tax issues, he refused to pay child support to a stripper he had a son with out of wedlock, and there were reports that Hunter Biden’s laptop (which he infamously left at a Delaware repair shop) allegedly contained inappropriate images of underage girls. In September, a Senate report linked him to a human trafficking ring, but Simon & Schuster did not cancel Biden’s memoir from publication.

The most interesting thing about this memoir is the fact that it was acquired in the fall of 2019, but was kept under wraps as Hunter Biden’s business dealings became a significant liability for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Several left-wing authors were given advance copies of the memoir and provided predictably smarmy blurbs for it. Stephen King called it a “harrowing and compulsively readable memoir,” and credits Hunter Biden with proving that even the son of a president “can take a ride on the pink horse down nightmare alley.” read more

29 Comments on SERIOUSLY? Hunter Biden Memoir, Called ‘Beautiful Things,’ to Be Published in April

  1. Do You want to know another guy whose father and organizations covered for and now faces another tragedy?

    Brit Reid – another DUI investigation in the NFL with injuries to a child. Feb 5th/2021

    Garret Reid – passed of OD years earlier

    Both arrested years ago in Philly.

    If there is no REAL intervention people relapse and continue to harm society.

    Biden or the courts should be intervening in Hunter’s bullshit instead of covering for him. Jill certainly wrote the shit stain off and in a few years who knows who else he harms.

    The book deal is just another way to funnel money just like his “ART” Show.

  2. With all the legal issues over his kid, the laptop thing, the Ukraine thing, and all the other revelations about him, nothing seems to have had much of a negative effect (or maybe any effect at all) on his life.

    The next book he writes, it should be a book about how he manages to do it. A sort of instruction manual for those of us that get our lives totally slammed if we make even the slightest mistake type of thing.

  3. Failing up. He’ll be dead before his dad.

    You know, with this book deal, and that TIME story about how the Elites & Dregs united to “save” democracy by “fortifying” the election, they’re not just gaslighting us, they’re jamming our faces right into the flame.

  4. They say he had a brain injury in the accident. IF THIS IS TRUE and if you know anyone with a brain injury, his behaviour is understandable. Ask me how I know. What is not understandable is the despicable behaviour of all his enablers. He needs help, not encouragement.

  5. Having spent the last six decades in the midst of followers of the progressive movement I can say with absolute authority that there is a critical mass of them that aspire to live the life Hunter Biden has been living.

    I refer to those who follow this worldview as subhuman pieces of shit with a comprehensive understanding of what they are about. As for what drives them, envy is the primary motivation of the followers, the leaders are just plain dedicated to serving the forces of evil.

  6. It should be titled, ” Beautiful young children I defiled and caused mental anguish for life” the f’in PIG.

    This is nothing more than the standard money laundering. The DNC and commie companies will buy thousands of copies as a way to send Hunter more money.

  7. Subtitle: Poster Child of the Progressive Movement Hits the Big Time.

    Without a doubt the Biden’s wanted to be found out. It gives them the ultimate rush to flaunt the fact that the rules don’t apply to the favored few.

    To me it looks like a miserable life to lead, but to followers of the progressive movement this is what they aspire to.

    You could lead them through Fr Spitzer’s excellent course Happiness, Joy and the Love of God and show them all of the documented examples of where people find joy and fulfillment here on earth and juxtapose that with the emptiness and despair to be found in the alternative, yet like a dog returns to its vomit these subhuman examples of wasted lives will choose the latter. They are driven by diabolical narcissism and motivated by envy to the degree that it defines them. To a great extent that explains the virtue signaling that makes them all but insufferable.

    I do not have any sympathy for them whatsoever, even pity is difficult at this point. If it were not for their continuous and everlasting attacks on The Good I might be able to conjure up more than indifference to the suffering they endure. Given their dedicated efforts to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death I have absolutely no feelings for them personally one way or the other. I just wish they would go the fuck away and leave the rest of us alone.

  8. Soros must be going broke financing all of these books that will be in the remained bin in three months.

    Either that or it is a money laundering scheme. I wonder if “The Big Guy” gets a cut from the proceeds.

  9. This book is #1 on Amazon in the category of “Chinese Biography”… No shit. The reason why is that tens of thousands of pre-orders are originating in China. This is clearly just a money laundering channels set up by America’s first family of crime.

  10. This is what you get when you live in a Junta-run government. It’s all corruption, all bullshit, all treason, all the time.

    Remember: they’ve sworn to make you and I their enemy. We know what they’d like to do with us: enslave us or kill us.

    Don’t lose sight of the big picture because the puppet president’s coke-head son has a hillary clinton/obama book deal for millions of dollars. (This book will join the millions of unsold clinton and obama books hidden away in some warehouse – and the publishers will get government deals as payoffs.

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