Sessions Announces Charges In Largest Health Care Fraud Bust In History – IOTW Report

Sessions Announces Charges In Largest Health Care Fraud Bust In History

Daily Caller:  Federal officials are charging 601 people, including more than 100 medical workers, for fueling opioid addiction in the largest bust of health care fraud in U.S. history.

The Department of Justice revealed the charges Thursday, which were brought as part of an annual effort to dismantle schemes across the country involved in scamming health care programs. The takedown included the arrest of 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, 19 nurses and several hundred others involved in prescribing and distributing massive quantities of opioid medications, resulting in more than $2 billion in fraudulent costs to federal health care programs and insurers, reports NBC News.

In one example, the owner of a Texas-based pharmacy chain and two co-conspirators filled scripts for more than 1 million oxycodone and hydrocodone pills, which were subsequently transferred to couriers for sale on the street.  read more

21 Comments on Sessions Announces Charges In Largest Health Care Fraud Bust In History

  1. I just cannot muster a damn to give, when I think of all the things that matter more WHICH HE COULD HAVE ANNOUNCED. This is Deputy AG stuff, Jeffy. You disappoint us all.

  2. And one of them appears to be my daughters dentist here locally in Spokane. We just found out in the last couple of days that her dentist has been foolishly writing a lot of scripts for painkillers that appear to be bogus. He’s in a lot of trouble and faces many years in prison and a huge fine for this. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I have no explanation of about why he did this and can not speculate until all the details emerge, but it looks like his successful dental career is over. I just pray he has enough sense not to run or to commit suicide like another dentist did 20 or so years ago after he got caught in an extramarital affair. He appeared to be a good man, but who knows.

  3. The govt has been denying pain patients their rx pain medicine now for years as the idiotic/expensive/intrusive/stupid ‘War on Drugs’ continues–yet the number of ODs from heroin and fentanyl continue to climb. Few people die when taking rx medicine as rx, and a lot of pain patients have committed suicide when their pain medicine has been cruelly taken away from them. ‘Addiction’ rates are essentially unchanged since 10 or 20 years ago, and pain medicine does not cause addiction any more than vodka causes addiction. Pain patients cannot get relief from useless ibuprofen or tylenol and torturing them does nothing to change ODs from illicit fentanyl and heroin. This is a massive false narrative and misinformation campaign designed to look like ‘action’ but is only torturing pain patients. It’s pathetic. Sessions says if you’re in pain all you need is a Bufferin, he should tell that to people with stenonis or bone spurs or rheum arth or much much worse who can’t even get out of bed.

  4. “massive quantities” more bs … undertreated pain is one of the biggest health problems in US society today. 99%+ of pain patients take their rx pain medicine responsibly — they are not drug dealers, they do not take 50 pills at a time, and they are not going to become heroin addicts. Fewer people die from fentanyl and heroin each day than from alcoholism, cancer, or even medical errors. This is a huge lie being perpetuated by the media and big govt and drug police who want bigger budgets to spy on the American people. They cannot wait until they are drug testing every person when they leave the house every morning. How about we put all of congress’ medications and dosages on public website? ha ha. But every medical/dental/optom visit YOU make, they will see every medication of yours. Don’t forget all the negative health effects of ibpfn and actmphn, both of which are useless at reducing pain.

  5. @Buck – I completely agree. Responsible Doctors will not proscribe proper pain medication for chronic pain such as poly neuropathy due to current federal requirements for reporting that scares the DR’s that they will lose their licenses. If Sessions had any relatives (or himself) with first hand knowledge of really whats going on he may think differently. Instead Dr’s will proscribe any other “supposed” alternatives that the side effects pose much greater risks. Supposed as in anti-depressants which do not work. Some “studies” suggest anti-depressants (even in the results, they state they don’t know why) do work. Years of medication titration trying to find the right anti-depressant, nothing works and chronic pain continues. Something that has worked is Marinol, but Sessions through his ignorance thinks this makes you high which it does not. It is expensive due to the way it is categorized even having been cleared by the FDA since the mid-80’s.
    Enough of my rant. Besides that every time I see Sessions all I think is that Keebler is missing an elf.

  6. Thanks for doing the work some second stringer would be capable of.
    Seems you could find bigger fish with everything going on. The country is in disarray because of the massive corruption and treachery yet you ignore it Mr. Sessions.
    Any reasonable person could conclude that you are part of the effort to obstruct.

  7. @RADIOATIONMAN/CB/HAM/AM/FM/SSB/VHF June 30, 2018 at 5:56 am

    > I would rather see warrants for 601
    > democrats that were and are involved in
    > treason.

    As soon as Congress outlaws alcohol again, Sessions’ll get right on it.

  8. 76 doctors!!! Geez sessions did you ever watch the Austin Powers movies?? “1 millions dollars!!” Most of these doctors likely were prescribing real pain medicine to chronic pain patients for whom other doctors told them to shove off, go home, and take an ibuprofen. There is no overprescription of rx medicine for pain in this country–there is an epidemic of underprescribed and undertreated pain. We’ve got suicides every day in this country by people in chronic pain and who cannot get relief b/c no doctor wants to treat pain, either out of fear or ignorance. This opiophobia is ignorant and causing a lot of pain and tragedy. Alcoholism is a vastly bigger problem than anything to do with prescription pain medicine. and again, addiction rates are essentially unchanged over past 20 years. The bit about ‘opioid addiction’ crisis or whatever is a flat out lie.

  9. Jeff S needs to quickly follow this up with the announcement of the charges & convictions of the longest list of domestic enemies to have threatened the health and the continued life of the country in US history.


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