Sessions: ‘If we stay at it, we can devastate’ MS-13 gang – IOTW Report

Sessions: ‘If we stay at it, we can devastate’ MS-13 gang

[…] Sessions told host Tucker Carlson that he had “no doubt” that Obama’s policies led to the group’s growth, saying “so many of these people are illegally here, and they came without proper authority. And with a good, lawful border, many of them would not be here.”

The attorney general said that law enforcement had made progress against MS-13 until Obama took office, but “they’ve come back aggressively in recent years.”

Sessions added that under the last administration, gang members “were directed how to enter, if they came, and claim themselves as a minor and the Obama administration let them come in the country and took them to their destination city and turned them over to some relative that claimed to be a relative.” Go See

12 Comments on Sessions: ‘If we stay at it, we can devastate’ MS-13 gang

  1. The primary business of MS-13 was securing the drug transit routes for other criminal organizations – and either transporting the drugs themselves, or providing security to others that transported drugs (for a fee, naturally).

    They are sort of like an evil version of UPS or FedEX crossed with some sort of private paramilitary security service.

    So, obliterating MS-13 will also help impede the drug trade, too.

  2. Sessions has utter job security. Prosecution of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Obama, The Hildabeast, BATFE, Comey, and Feinstein could keep him busy for years.

    Go get the bitches!

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