Sessions Slams Sanctuary City Policies After Steinle Verdict – IOTW Report

Sessions Slams Sanctuary City Policies After Steinle Verdict

Daily Caller: United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions slammed sanctuary city policies after a jury found an illegal immigrant not guilty in the fatal shooting of Kate Steinle Thursday night.

The case, which set off a national debate on sanctuary cities and illegal immigration, reached its conclusion when a jury ruled that Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was only guilty of possessing a gun illegally. Sessions, a long proponent of stricter immigration policies, criticized the policies that led to the “preventable death of Steinle.”

“When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk,” Sessions said in the statement. “San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle.”  read more

18 Comments on Sessions Slams Sanctuary City Policies After Steinle Verdict

  1. Disheartening, but completely predictable. In any other state this asshole would be under the penitentiary for multiple life terms. It’s now official, California has gone over to the dark side.

  2. For all the heat he takes he has been doing good work on this issue. Much of what he can’t get done is because of roadblocks put up by congress, specifically the leadership which could reign in these rogue judges if they weren’t such cowards.

  3. Sessions; words of indignation are meaningless.
    Do something about it.

    Congress; while there is a lull of sexual harassment, pass legislation to eliminate sanctuary cities. If they persist, withhold “all” federal funding.

    Remember? There are consequences for illegal activities.
    Make it so.


    Don’t worry. The feminists will make a stink about this! Watch them fly in from all over the country to protest this miscarriage of justice!

  5. What a pity. If she were my daughter, I would be looking for an attorney willing to sue the City of San Francisco for not turning this guy over to ICE. Had they followed the law, Kate would be alive today.

  6. Two thoughts. The first is the easy assumption that Sessions is a swamp creature, full of rhetoric and no action. The second is that Trump/Sessions is playing a long game, letting things play out and blow up in the Democrat’s faces to further position the Democrats as anti-American/pro-amnesty for illegal aliens….namely hispanic & muslim, such that when the hammer drops, it will be a pile driver instead of a tack hammer. Also, the long game is intended to continue to expose the Uniparty (Democrats/Establishment Republicans) so that a purge of the GOPe will also happen. I look for the hammer to start dropping in a few months as the 2018 elections get closer.

  7. Thirdtwin, the complete quote is “They say I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.”
    But you probably knew that 😉

  8. Sessions is really picking up his game. He is going from the invisible man, to issuing a strongly worded statement. What’s next, flying out to SF and holding an at the scene presser?

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