Seth Rich Refuses to Stay Buried – IOTW Report

Seth Rich Refuses to Stay Buried

AmericanThinker\ By Jack Cashill:

“I am reliably informed that the NSA or its partners intercepted at least some of the communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks,” wrote attorney Ty Clevenger in a startling letter last week to Richard Grennell, Interim Director of National Intelligence.

Clevenger represents Ed Butowsky, a high-profile author and financial adviser who dared to ask questions about the late Seth Rich and was sued for his troubles.

The known facts of Rich’s still unsolved murder were largely established within hours by the local media. “A 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home early Sunday in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C.,” NBC Washington reported.

The shooting occurred at 4:19 a.m. on Sunday, July 10, 2016. “There had been a struggle,” said Seth’s mother, Mary Rich. “His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything.” She added, “They took his life for literally no reason.”

In the real world, most killers have a reason. Those who fire two shots and take nothing from the victim always do. In the major newsrooms, journalists have been perversely keen on not knowing what this reason was. In the years since the shooting, they have offered little useful information beyond the account above.

Butowsky was much more curious. The woman who stirred his curiosity was Ellen Ratner, a veteran TV news analyst. On the day after the 2016 presidential election, Ratner participated in a videotaped panel discussion at Embry-Riddle University. read more

h/t Forcibly Rearranged.

12 Comments on Seth Rich Refuses to Stay Buried

  1. @MJA and Forcibly Rearranged – BOMBSHELL… I saw this posted in a sub thread on CTH, by someone that dropped it in the comments section.

    The names mentioned in this letter are AMAZING, damaging and BRUTAL:

    The National Security Agency
    Larry C Johnson
    Ed Butowsky
    Lisa Page
    Robert Mueller
    Peter Strzok
    U.S. Attorney Deborah Sines
    Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
    Five Eyes ‘partners’ in London
    Seymour “Sy” Hersh
    Seth Rich

    THAT IS QUITE the list ladies and gentleman.

    Guess who it was sent to?

    Ric Grennell the ‘satchel’ deliverer. After Rogers and Flynn, the NEXT hero to shine.

    EXCELLENT post.



  2. Why would Larry C. Johnson be on that list? I know he was an ardent Hillary supporter, but I lost track of him. Used to be a long-time commenter at his NoQuarter blog. He’s been contributing somewhere — can’t remember the site/blog.

    Curiouser and Curiouser.

  3. Did others find the Rince Preibus (sp) appearance tonight on Hannity rather odd?

    He knew it was all fake from the get go.

    You got some ‘splainin’ to do Rince

  4. Before I got distracted by ghost’s comment….

    Was going to say that this thread header made me think of the movie “The Trouble With Harry”; how they kept digging up Harry’s body and putting him somewhere else. LOL!

    RIP Seth. You shouldn’t have died so young. It’s not right. I hope his family receives as much justice as this old world can give them.

  5. Rant warning – Please read as much Jack C as you can, he exposed Treyvon, Obama and the Harvard professor, Flight____ out in LI ‘crashing’, Seth Rich etc. and will expose the next one that has been ‘given’ to us.

    Hi Jack, or other ‘American Thinkers’, if you are reading this, look up Sean King he is the one that leaked it, and Sean Kings’ friends law firm buddies on the ready to take up the case. They could give a shit about that guy that died. They want dissent against Trump. It’s a race baiting industry, like Al Sharpton and his saint Jesse Jerkson.

    Who took that original vid and why now??? This occurred two months ago?? Why do you run, eh hem jog, around a truck and into a confrational situation?? Would you not run the opposite direction if threatened??

    Have you looked at that vid second by second?? Look at the shadows in the road. Are those tools that appear in the road? I don’t know. I just wonder?

    The perp threw a punch at a guy, with a shotgun?? He was a desperate two time criminal already. That nice pic we all see of him with the collared shirt and smile??

    Well that is probably his HS graduation pic. Because he has two felonies under his belt, one is a weapons possession. Have you seen this guys mug shot yet? Uh like 8 years later??? In the construction site photos he has a FRO, yo.

    Things are never what they appear to be these DAZE.

    Question everything moving forward. They are at their collectivists wits end to remove the POTUS.

    They have nothing else, so this is a ‘last charge’ for Them and the Swamp before November.

    ‘Beleive Me’ – DJT, POTUS


  6. OT

    The Rince Preibus (sp) appearance on Hannity will be re-running shortly. Do not recall if it was the B or C block. Anyways, Hannity is on right now and it has gotten to his segment.

    Do watch it and see what you think.

  7. @Abigail Adams – I wish I could remember where I saw that? I’ll try to recon that one…

    I have been, or was, reading NOQ for YEARS, some time before getting here @iOTW. I know about the ‘Hillary support’ and questioned it, like WTF? Trying to remember what happened when NOQ when dark, under. Was it when she ‘fell’ after the 911 Memorial day?? Not sure.

    Great insight at the time, regardless of HRottenC, but he consults for Gateway Pundit now, this was written TWO days ago:

    OF course you know Johnson was a AIC anal-lyst correct??


    Why would he not be on that list??!

    Look up: Fetullah Gelen and General Flynn. And also look up this guy: Ezra Cohen Watnick

    My divers are about to pull the Swamp plug.

    Gen. Glover

  8. ghost — LOL!! I read the link at TGP. I hadn’t read anything from Johnson for a long, long time, but his piece at the link was unmistakably vintage Larry C. Johnson, alright. He’s always making with the spook talk and uses all the right acronyms (very freely). He’s always out there pumping up his security expert credentials for his private gigs. Too funny! He reads like a movie script — just like an actor, playing a spook, would sound (Charlie Wilson’s War/Seymour-Hoffman and Wag the Dog). Hahaah! And when it comes down to it, he doesn’t have any fresher info than the people who are actually being paid to thrash this stuff out. That’s why I asked, “Why is Larry…on the list?” Too funny!

  9. Now you know why Julian Assange has been tortured for what the New York Times does every day. He “raped” a woman, I don’t think so, just another honey trap to go after him. BUT, he, embarrassed Hillary Clinton, and when you do that, you wind up dead, fired, or impeached for no reason.

    Hillary is the hand behind it all.

  10. seth made it the hosital alive:

    “Not only was he shot at, but he was brought to the hospital, operated on and was given a good chance to survive. But then Donna Brazile and the D.C mayor came to the hospital, brought in leo’s to surround his room without allowing anyone, including his doctor, inside. Somehow, he died, and Donna warned everyone around there that they didn’t see her and the mayor. Of course the cameras conveniently were not working at that time.”


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