Seven Million – IOTW Report

Seven Million

Remember back in 2009 when the Federal Government took over General Motors by screwing over its shareholders, hand-delivering the company to the unions and sticking the American taxpayer with the bill?

One of the first things Government Motors did was release an electric car.

The Chevy Volt.

Ah, the fanfare!

The Government offered tax credits to anyone who would purchase the nearly forty-thousand dollar car (again, sticking the American taxpayers in the process).

Obama even did a photo-op climbing behind the wheel of a Volt and putt-putt-putting away.


We were told those Chevy Volts were going to FLY off the showroom floors! Why, people were so clamoring for an electric car that cost nearly as much as some people’s homes, that they were going to be knocking down the doors of Chevy dealerships all over the fruited plain.

But nobody wanted a Chevy Volt.

Why on earth would you spend nearly forty thousand dollars on a car that drove about thirty miles before needing a charge? Fewer miles in colder weather, it turns out.

And even with sticking taxpayers with part of the cost by offering tax credits, the government couldn’t get very many people to buy them.

They tried the carrot and stick approach.

Didn’t work.

Now, we have Obamacare and

And the Government clearly learned its lesson from the Chevy Volt.

No, forget the carrot and stick. This time, they plan on using a club.



6 Comments on Seven Million

  1. My favorite part of the chuckle-fest was this line:

    “I’ve got to admit, I don’t get it. Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance? Why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance?”

    That everybody didn’t fall out of their chairs in hysterical laughter at the sheer hypocrisy of these sentences just floors me (and I’m one of those people that got booted off my plan by this abomination).

    A mandatory law that penalizes me for not submitting and you are congratulating yourself?!

    Sorry, I really have to go check behind the curtains for Alan Funt.

  2. So, since it’s April 2nd does that mean I’m now a criminal as well as a racist? Is it a felony or a misdemeanor to not be able to afford to be gullible enough to voluntarily send the amount of money that I typically spend in a year’s time on “healthcare” to an “insurance” company every month, so that if/when I do go to a doctor the “insurance” will “cover” a percentage of my bill?

  3. Exactly, racist. If I could afford the payment for something that doesn’t cover me until I spend several thousand dollars first – well, then I can pay the doctor directly anyway!

    If I have to put out 8-12 thousand a year I can damn well pay off $100,000.00 in ten years or less.

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