Seven of top 10 lawmakers with most earmarks in last spending bill were Republicans, watchdog says – IOTW Report

Seven of top 10 lawmakers with most earmarks in last spending bill were Republicans, watchdog says

JTN: Seven of the 10 lawmakers with the most earmarks in the last congressional spending bill were Republicans, according to a new watchdog report.

The findings were made by, which reviewed the 7,509 disclosed earmarks amounting to what the nonprofit, nonpartisan government watchdog group found to be “$16 billion in taxpayer costs.”

Now-retired GOP Sen. Richard Shelby, of Alabama, took the top spot, followed by retired Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska, came in third. more

13 Comments on Seven of top 10 lawmakers with most earmarks in last spending bill were Republicans, watchdog says

  1. RepubliTards, DildoCrats, two wings on the same UniParty vulture.

  2. Egotistical asshole RINOs. Drain the swamp and give us term limits. And NO public building, military base, park, highway, or airport should EVER be named after a politician, living or dead.

  3. I always laugh when one party blames the other for Washington’s out-of-control spending. The rule seems to be you only pretend to worry about spending when the other guys are in control. Gee – wonder why we cannot ever seem to get a balanced budget amendment?

  4. History shows us, RINOs are cheaply and easily bought.
    In many cases the earmarks buy local organizations and votes to ensure reelection.
    A vicious cycle to keep RINOs who vote for democrat issues.

  5. I can’t begin to count how many Republican establishment types that could make a positive difference in the country by just getting a little exercise. They could start this evening by taking a short walk up ladder street and down hemp lane.

  6. I knew Susan Collins would be one. She’s helped make ME a welfare state dependent on money from other states. She brags about it constantly.
    It’s so bad now that for every dollar collected for fed taxes from ME we get back $1.62

  7. @ Beachmom

    I don’t know what the figures are for this state but I will bet Alaska’s rhino cow could give Maine’s rhino cow some hints on how to do it.


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