Seventeen Magazine’s ‘Realistic Vagina Manicure’ – IOTW Report

Seventeen Magazine’s ‘Realistic Vagina Manicure’

Truth Revolt: Teen girl magazine Seventeen revived a year-old post on Twitter Thursday to encourage their 13- to 19-year-old demographic once again to go out and get a “realistic vagina manicure.”

In her piece (with pics) that is linked in the tweet, Hannah Orenstein gushed: “Nail artist Asa Bree has graced the internet with a gift. It’s a glittery purple gel manicure with one accent nail on each hand — and that accent just so happens to be an alarmingly realistic depiction of a vagina, painted lovingly with five distinct shades of pink and topped with a pearl.”

“This realistic vagina manicure is exactly what I needed today,” she added.  more here

17 Comments on Seventeen Magazine’s ‘Realistic Vagina Manicure’

  1. It utterly astounds me how these SJW man-haters don’t even know their own anatomy! What they describe as a ‘vagina’ is more accurately as the ‘vulva’. The vagina is an internal organ which is not (really) visible externally! The vulva is the anatomical term for the external female sex organs. For any woman confused about their anatomy, please consult: and

  2. I recall a day when whoever published this, targeting minors, would be promptly prosecuted.

    This will be displayed in Public Libraries which have censored Mark Twain.

  3. @Aleister Crowley February 2, 2018 at 10:30 am

    Oh, Aleister, quit mansplaining. If you weren’t mentally crippled by your toxic masculinity, you’d immediately understand. The manicure is to be balled into a fist, or two, for a vagina. It’s a “Fight the Patriarchy” gesture.

  4. Hey, I used to own a vulva. Had it for a number of years and used it hard. After a while everything loosened up and strange things started rattling. It also developed a drip-drip type of thing, and I couldn’t keep it lubricated. After a while, it became uncomfortable to squeeze into.

    Oh. Volvo…I used to own a Volvo. Never mind.

  5. I can imagine the expesssions on the parents (well unfortunatly these days all too few of them) when their little darling comes home and explains the new nails to mom or dad. I think it may be similar to the reaction from my sister and her hubby when the joy of their life came home at 16 with a tattoo of Jim Morrison on his shoulder. The yelling was heard round the neighbourhood! He ended up going to university several years later to Francis X in the middle of the woods in New Brunswick I think. Came out better for it. Well, mostly better.

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