Sex between men driving monkeypox spread, not skin contact, studies show – IOTW Report

Sex between men driving monkeypox spread, not skin contact, studies show

Just the News

Recent scientific evidence suggests that sexual interactions between men are driving the spread of monkeypox rather than skin contact, as previously thought.

The Biden administration declared a public health emergency over the disease in early August. On Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told Just the News that the government had acquired 1 million monkeypox vaccinations and was preparing to procure millions more.

Pointing to a string of recent studies, health experts have begun to question that skin on skin contact was the primary transmission method, instead pointing to same-sex oral and anal intercourse, NBC reported. Initial outbreaks spread primarily through gay communities, with gay men comprising the overwhelming majority of confirmed cases.

“It looks very clear to us that this is an infection that is transmitting sexually the vast majority of the time,” Dr. Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, a resident physician in global health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, wrote in a medical review the outlet highlighted. more

SNIP: Does it sound to you like the government lies to, and coddles gays so they can harm them or kill them outright?
Why did the Feds Let monkeypox rip through those people? So they can offer vaccines to cure [use them as lab rats] them? Or its it something else?

16 Comments on Sex between men driving monkeypox spread, not skin contact, studies show

  1. @Uncle Al August 18, 2022 at 6:52 pm

    > I know you’re disgusted and enraged, but are you surprised?

    Why the hatred against strong, independent wymyn!?
    You tiny dicked incel!

  2. Uncle Al — I am disgusted and enraged!

    The powers that be have been hyping the incidence of monkey pox in children as a way, I believe, to engender sympathy and support for their wide-spread intention of vaxxing everyone, whether they are truly at risk or not.

  3. When Monkey Pox is found in children a ruminal investigation should be launched — same as if gonorrhea is found in a child. Its a sexually transmitted disease. But they are claiming medical privacy. This is disgusting.

  4. So why aren’t homosexuals being told to “mask up” (condoms) and stay six feet apart to prevent the spread of this preventable disease?

  5. Kermit,

    Next time you go for a drive, look in the car next to you and see how many people are driving with a finger jammed up their noses.

    Then Go home and watch how many baseball players are scratching their nuts.

    And of course Biden taking off his face diaper, coughing in his hand, and grabbing the microphone.

    I’m good with the elbow to elbow tap.

    Cheers friend.

    PS. Q: Whats green & smells like pork?
    A: Kermit’s Finger

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