Sex just doesn’t sell like it used to – IOTW Report

Sex just doesn’t sell like it used to

sex doesn't sell anymore


What gives, 18-34-year-olds? Why don’t you like sexy ads? You don’t like hot-bod come-ons, Kate Upton milk baths, bikini babes biting big burgers? What are you millennials, Puritans?


10 Comments on Sex just doesn’t sell like it used to

  1. Maybe it’s because they have Tinder and such “hook-up” apps. Nothing is a mystery or tempting. In fact, their date is probably on that bus since public transportation saves the planet..blah blah.

  2. Illustr8r, I have a friend who is pretty high up in Atlanta’s mass transit system, MARTA. She says they recently instaled multiple cameras in each bus. They left the cameras on when the buses rolled into the yard at the end of the day, and the stuff the MARTA employees were doing in the parked buses was was unbelieveble. A few of the more extreme got fired, but most kept their jobs. And my friend says some still try to play Bang Bus by covering the cameras, but there’s always the camera they miss.

    FWIW, she also said there are people in IT who cannot write. The mgmt deals with this by not giving them anything which requires writing. This major education fail/affirmative action triumph is dealt with by calling it “dyslexia” But I digress.

  3. Yeesh. The stories I hear about how the younger generation “dates” now is just downright sad and equally scary. Not all but a lot. Makes me glad that I’m “old” now.

  4. Gosh, and I thought putting Hustler and Playboy at the checkout (with the cardboard in front of them) was bad. This is pornographic — and not the least subtle.

  5. Sex doesn’t sell to the 18-34 demographic because they’ve been desensitized to sex their whole lives by the myriad media constantly displaying it & their availability to it. More correctly, desensitized to the sensuous & the erotic. Their “desires” & gratifications are fulfilled instantly & joylessly by manipulating a smart phone & finding a “buddy” for the moment.

    For sex advertising to work, one must possess an active & curious imagination & the ability to momentarily process & fantasize the object being viewed while connecting it with the product. We already know how quickly children’s Federal indoctrination centers kill a child’s curiosity.

    They seem to respond well to fear, though. The only thing that’s ever sold bêtter than sex is fear.

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