Front Page: It’s now inevitable that any issue will produce a spiraling doom cycle of bad responses to bad behaviors which will make even more of a mess. So the response to the very belated exposure of Harvey Weinstein’s misdeeds by a lefty establishment that had known about them all along, was to start accusing all men of being products of rape culture. And passing around lists of the accused.
Some of the people on the lists might be guilty as hell. Others might have behaved inapproriately. Still others probably aren’t.
But the rolling scandals have now hit Vox and SEIU.
Are “sex scandals” going to become the “shiny penny/squirrel” vehicle for the MSM to (unsuccessfully try to) distract from the Uranium One/Russia-Clinton Bribery scandal?
Gee, you mean with all the pushing of homosexuality, cross dressing, child pornification sex reasignment surgeries etc, these people have a sex scandlal?
Trump is knocking down all the lefties pillars of support, one by one. Hollywood, the media, now the unions. Can’t wait until he goes after academia.
Vox rhymes with Cox.
Just sayin’. 😘
Couldn’t happen to a nicer union!
NOW I understand why women on the left are so angry. But they’re angry at the wrong people.
Lefty white males are now being purged from positions of power.
The accelerating witch hunt will replace them all with females. Preferably females in some shade of light brown.
And so the New Left 3.0 will become even more hysterical, shrill, neurotic and erratic.
The Left is embarking on its next round of self marginalization and continuing self/diminishment.
Winning. MAGA. And more popcorn for everybody.