Sexual liberation has only brought young people misery and un-fulfillment – IOTW Report

Sexual liberation has only brought young people misery and un-fulfillment

(LifeSiteNews) — We are rapidly approaching an era when there will be nobody left living who remembers what life was like before the sexual revolution. 

Even those who grew up in religious communities where biblical standards were still the norm inhabited islands of relative sanity surrounded by the roiling seas of sexual chaos and liquid modernity – and with the arrival of digital porn, these islands have been swamped, as well. Chastity has become the rarest virtue and – in a culture where sexual smog blankets everything like second-hand smoke – the most difficult to attain.

When I discussed hookup culture with my peers at university, what struck me was that none of them had rejected the idea of chastity – they had, almost with a few exceptions, never encountered it. The idea of delaying cohabitation or intercourse until marriage had simply not occurred to them. Most came from families who had now been post-Christian for several generations and encountering someone who actually believed these things was an anthropological experience. Their questions were usually curious and (unless the LGBT issue came up) rarely hostile.

I had similar experiences after joining the pro-life movement. During outreach near a high school, I vividly remember one high school girl telling me that abortion needed to be legal because she couldn’t raise a child on her own, as if the absence of the father was a foregone conclusion.  more

21 Comments on Sexual liberation has only brought young people misery and un-fulfillment

  1. Well, I’m “miserable” & “un-fulfilled” ’cause I ain’t gettin’ any.
    Now there’s a whole new reason not to date….I’m not swappin’ spit with anyone that’s vax’d.
    Actually, from what I see, people can’t put their spy phones down long enough to plook.

  2. During the recover from my surgery last spring, I started to binge watch a fairly recent TV series. It was about a fire engine house in Seattle, I think. The first few episodes were good and I anticipated enjoying the whole series. Then the characters started jumping into bed, single, married, gay, not gay, both gay and not gay, etc. etc. etc.

    Deleted it from my viewing list.

    Is there ANYTHING within the last 10 years worth watching?

  3. The “sexual liberation” movement didn’t liberate anything.
    It convinced people to be promiscuous and to become entrapped in the sadness of not forming real, deep relationships.

  4. “Sexual liberation has only brought young people misery and un-fulfillment”

    …and STDs. And unwanted babies. And abortions. And beatings and murders. Really, one HELL of a lot of beatings and murders, mostly over jealouslies and wildly diffferent concepts about fidelity in poorly defined relationships when folks find out that sex changes EVERYTHING, for better or for worse, mostly worse…

  5. Claudia
    NOVEMBER 19, 2022 AT 4:24 PM
    “During the recover from my surgery last spring, I started to binge watch a fairly recent TV series. It was about a fire engine house in Seattle, I think. The first few episodes were good and I anticipated enjoying the whole series. Then the characters started jumping into bed…”

    …younger me wishes…well, not the “gay” stuff so much, but still, to 20ish me who DID have some attractive female colleagues and lots of contact with nurses, that would have been SUPER appealing BUT for the fact it would have been SUPER stupid and cause for IMMEDIATE dismissal as well; so it saddens me to report that (at least in those I knew of), firehouses were more WORK place than PEYTON place, but that was THEN…

    …that said, chicks DID dig the uniform…one chick in particular REALLY liked it, and 30 odd yers later, we’re still together and quite married, so ALL was not lost.

    (even though I’d bust every button on my medium-sized uniform shirt NOW were I to try it on, assuming I could get it over my gut in the FIRST place…)

  6. The article is accurate. At one time, back in the 60’s, and inspired by a Beatles song, I thought it would be so cool to do it in the street and shock everyone, never even thinking about getting run over and squashed by a big 10-wheeler.

    I’m glad I didn’t try it. The whole sex revolution thing has been a disaster. Sex is like fire…control it or get badly burned.

  7. Spare the rod, pamper and obey your stupidly-educated children nowadays is enough right there to destroy the family and the rest of a country.

    IMHO, WOMEN marry Men and MEN marry Women. God, Love and children remain…and live on.

  8. Satan is a liar, a murderer and a their. The progressive movement is the implementation of Satan’s agenda here on earth. Is anyone really surprised that none of what has been promised as progressivism has moved from theory to practice has been delivered?

  9. “She gave me her mind
    Then she gave me her body
    But she gave it to everybody
    But I made her cry
    And I made her scream, scream for me
    And I curdled her cream
    But how was I to know that she had been there before
    She told me she was a virgin, any virgin in Glasgow?

    She was number nine ninety nine
    On the clinical list
    And I fell in love with the dirty little bitch

    She’s got the jack, she’s got the jack
    She’s got the jack, she’s got the jack
    She’s got the jack, she’s got the jack
    She’s got the jack, she’s got the jack
    She’s got the jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack, jack
    She’s got the jack
    -AC/DC, “The Jack”

  10. A quote I saw on the Inter-Web sadly sums up the so called sexual revolution in today’s society for the young generations:

    Women sleep with who they want, men sleep with who they can.

    Men marry who they want, women marry who they can.

    Not sayin this is true for all today but it sure seems that way.

  11. Feminism an evil Godless construct of Marxism – the root of the misery most westernized women are suffering in all aspects of their lives. It’s has caused the deterioration of society. Feminism has also created a sickening, warped class status that celebrates emasculated men and whorish women.

    Children are now “groomed” to continue this nightmarish legacy which will horrifically effect future generations – further eroding the nuclear family God designed to build communities and nations.

    This Satanic damage seems so irreparable. However, there is something to have hope in…nothing is impossible with God. The more despair Satan pours on the world, the greater the desperation most men have for finding God. If they seek God they will find Him – grace, mercy and rescue.

    Many young people are waking up. Chastity is a real option Gen Z and even Gen Alpha are considering. Going back to Biblical principles is the true reset.

    BTW, People who know the Truth must spread the Good News. Faith in Christ is the only answer to combating sexual promiscuity or anything else that goes against the will of God.

  12. I really feel sorry for these young woman and men, and their misguided parents caught up in the way of this corrupt world. They are so confused and making horrible decisions.

    Marxism has fractured so many families. Heartbreaking.

    Moral depravity, poverty, crime, political corruption enfaticide, genocide are all direct results of communist ideology mandated by evil oligarchy.
    The lack of fathers, decent fathers in the home of the Western world has set the world on fire.
    Godly and principled fathers, God designated leaders of families keep societies functioning, safe and thriving.
    Look what has happens without that leadership. Chaos.

  13. Frank Zappa wuz about 43 years ahead of his time! – – –
    – Women’s liberation
    Came creepin’ all across the nation
    I tell you, people, I was not ready
    When I fucked this dyke by the name of Freddie
    She made a little speech then
    Oh, she tried to make me say when
    She had my balls in a vice but she left the dick
    I guess it’s still hooked on but now it shoots too quick
    Oh God, I am the American dream
    But now I smell like Vaseline
    And I’m a miserable son of a bitch
    Am I a boy or a lady, I don’t know which
    Oh God, I am the American dream
    With a spindle up my butt ’til it makes me scream
    And I’ll do anything to get ahead
    I lay awake nights, sayin’, “thank you, Fred”
    Oh God, Oh God, I’m so fantastic
    Thanks to Freddie, I’m a sexual spastic
    And my name is Bobby Brown
    Watch me now, I’m goin’ down

  14. Seriously, we use to call them one night stands. I always had two condoms in my wallet and a couple in my glove box and we used them.
    Fond memories of the ladies and no killing babies.

  15. The nasty reality is that 20% of the men are making ‘use’ of 80% of the females.
    That leaves a TON of incels stewing in their parents basement plotting all manner of vile actions due to being rejected. The problem is two fold. Women’s inherent hypergamy where they feel they MUST have sex ONLY with the most ‘eligible’ men, even if they have less than zero chance of ever marrying one of them and the destruction of countless years of societal norms that kept female insanity and immoral conduct in check. Now women have the freedom to be whore openly….and we are seeing the result of that.

  16. I don’t care what society’s ill-bred, vulgar, lowlifes, unaccomplished, failurs, and rejects do as long as they keep their HIV/AIDS, STDs, monkeypox, VDs, and assorted diseases to themselves.

  17. I don’t care what society’s ill-bred, vulgar, lowlifes, unaccomplished, failures, and rejects do as long as they keep their HIV/AIDS, STDs, monkeypox, VDs, and assorted diseases to themselves.

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