SF Bay Area Water Agency Offering Rebates Up To $100 For Rainwater Collection – IOTW Report

SF Bay Area Water Agency Offering Rebates Up To $100 For Rainwater Collection


REDWOOD CITY (KPIX 5) — The finishing touches are being put on a plan to give people a rebate of up to $100 on their water bills.

All you have to start with is one barrel for your water collection system and you could get money back.

From his roof, Redwood City resident Eric McCrystal can collect 450 gallons of rainwater. So when he heard about the new rebate program for runoff, he got excited.

“I think that’s great,” McCrystal said. “Everyone should be collecting water.”

If you show a receipt for a 50 gallon water barrel and submit a photo showing how it’s set up to collect rainwater from your roof, you could get up to a $100 rebate.



11 Comments on SF Bay Area Water Agency Offering Rebates Up To $100 For Rainwater Collection

  1. Zonga – LMAO!

    Typical genius prog problem solving. I’ve lived down the peninsula from Redwood City before. Even in “wet” years it never friggin’ rains there. Not enough to collect anything. Maybe get a little mold growing in the bottom of your barrel. Those guys crack me up.

  2. I read somewhere that a state or regional ban on rainwater collection was going into effect. Something about the water harboring bacteria and scum if not properly cleaned.

    My grandparents had one on their farm and used it to water gardens, you know – outside – in nature, where all kinds of crawly things live. They never once thought about drinking it or bathing in it.

    Yeah, so the rain isn’t falling now. Sometime it will and every little bit could help. If the government wasn’t to dadblamed intent on controlling our every second, maybe life would go on as it had for hundreds of years. People would think things out; there would be desalinization plants on the coast, people wouldn’t move where there is no water, when rivers flooded they wouldn’t move back and get flooded again, people wouldn’t build mansions on sandbars in the ocean, etc.

    Good Lord above, what happened to common sense?

  3. Just exactly what do they think they will do with such meager gallonage?

    Some flushing maybe? Water a very small garden enough to tease it?

    If you’re not catching about a small pool’s worth of water each month you’re doing a whole lot of nothing with all that effort you’re making.

    And if it rained enough to catch that much – you don’t need to catch that much.

    Catch-22 will be upgraded to catch-52 now.

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