SF Refuses To Hand Over Murdering Illegal To ICE – IOTW Report

SF Refuses To Hand Over Murdering Illegal To ICE


Of course, as far as the AP is concerned, the real news is that Donald Trump is trying to exploit this tragedy to advance his political agenda. A Democrat would never do that.

From an outraged (at Mr Trump) Associated Press:

Suspect in shooting of San Francisco tourist has extensive criminal record

July 4, 2015

San Francisco – A man suspected in the shooting death of a woman at a busy San Francisco tourist destination has seven felony convictions and has been deported five times, most recently in 2009, a federal agency said on Friday.

Notice that the AP couldn’t be bothered to tell us any details about his past convictions. But even so, how is it possible that a felon had a gun? That is against the law! And SF has gun control laws that are almost as strict as Chicago’s.  MORE

12 Comments on SF Refuses To Hand Over Murdering Illegal To ICE

  1. “So there’s absolutely nothing that can be done to ever stop attacks like this.”

    Really? S.F. is a tourist destination. If we stopped all conservatives from going and issued warnings to foreigners on vacation I bet the shit would hit the fan.

  2. Down on Folsom Street in San Fransicko, you can stand in front of that same fan for $299, get good and covered with sh!t and make a whole stable of new friends. For German tourists, they’ll call you names while you do it.

    No… these people who ruined SF ain’t interested in tourists.

  3. You are missing the point and you are wrong. If the merchants in the tourist areas, Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghirardelli square, Alioto’s stopped making money this shit would flip like a bitch. This is old S.F. money and influence.

  4. Amen! Perfectly said. Having gone to many industry conferences in SF, it was one of the most beautiful and gross places I’ve been to in the U.S. Gross=homeless infusion into daily activities while just going about your business.

  5. A SF cop called Levin’s show Monday evening and said the Sheriff’s Dept is sweating bullets. They have a female who fits the same profile as the shooter in the above case, and they will NOT let her go because they’re afraid the looming lawsuit(s).


  6. When was the last time anyone in charge in San Fran did anything that made sense? Walked down the street there lately? It smells like urine and feces, because instead of stray dogs and cats, they have stray people. Now, the Techies have moved in and in some ways are worse than the Progs, so the way things are going there, tourism, old money and whatever, be damned. It’s nothing but a hedonistic, live-now, Screw the Man (literally and figuratively) kind of place. If a woman leading a hooded man on a leash down the street or two guys walking hand-in-hand in backless leather chaps ain’t enough to run off the people from Flyover Country, what’s a little violence going to do?

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