Shadow Gate 2.0 – IOTW Report

Shadow Gate 2.0

The Fake News Industrial Complex.

Millennial Millie: The first installment of Shadow Gate demonstrated that the shadow government consists of government contractors; defense, intelligence, security, and so on.

When the first trailer was aired, a little known Anonymizer project called ION 2 was scrapped.

On the day Shadow Gate had an early release, a well planned targeted smear campaign by media outlets and social media influencers was launched to distract away from the subtle panic the military industrial complex was going through in the background.

The websites of Dynology, Jones Group International, and ClearForce we’re removed, modified, and changed in what appears to be a cover-up.

But why? What was so dangerous about Shadow Gate and our whistleblowers that the documentary created such a knee-jerk reaction? That is the subject of this documentary.

7 Comments on Shadow Gate 2.0

  1. While I’ve seen parts of this video previously. I’m going to watch the whole hour and a half of it tonight, so good night to everyone. I’ll see you on Claudia’s Critters tomorrow morning.

  2. Stirrin — I’m convinced the time for trying to understand the whys and wherefores has passed. I’m going to spend this evening cramming for the test questions of The Rapture. LOL!

  3. “I’m going to spend this evening cramming for the test questions of The Rapture.”

    Please, don’t ever laugh about that.

    I know many here have been taught to despise even the suggestion of a pre-tribulational rapture.

    But it’s just another name for what our apostle said is the “blessed hope” of Christ taking the saved to Himself before His wrath finally falls upon the earth. Paul said He will do it so the pretrib rapture is indeed a Bible fact.

    Thankfully, it has only one entrance question:

    Do you believe 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 for yourself?

    If believing that saved those benighted pagans from sin and wrath, it will save you too. Rest in that because, yes, Christ will come for His own. I’m convinced it will be soon.

    Don’t entrust your never-dying souls to the traditions and systems of lost, blind religious men, modern pharisees, or to your own filthy, sin-contaminated ‘good’ works. Trust Christ alone for what HE did for us all.

  4. That should have read Grool- not groovy. Although I still use the word. I’m 71 after all! And… with a grandson, safely out of Iraq and home from Ft Bliss for 4 weeks, and granddaughter and hubs visiting from Ireland, I am truly blessed. Praise and thank our mighty God.

  5. Hey! I’m not laughing at the rapture! I’m laughing because if I don’t know what’s required by now — I am well and truly hosed! The hour is late. Repent, turn away from sin and make Jesus your Lord and Savior.

    Pray and watch. Take heed. Be ready at any time.


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