Shady CCP-Tied, Epstein-Directed Nonprofit Figures Prominently in Commie Takeover of Brazil – IOTW Report

Shady CCP-Tied, Epstein-Directed Nonprofit Figures Prominently in Commie Takeover of Brazil

Lula’s installation in Brazil has CCP fingerprints all over it.

National File:

The Chinese Communist Party and its globalist influence operations such as the CCP-Tied Taihe Institute figure prominently in the Communist takeover of Brazil, dominating the political life of Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, Brazil’s left-wing President-elect known widely as “Lula”.

Through his prior terms as President and his continued work with left-wing globalist elites, Lula is tied to two of Communist China’s most notorious influence outfits, which National File has covered extensively.

Lula, who was sprung from prison on corruption charges before his globalist-backed election, has deep ties to Communist China and its malign influence networks like the CCP-led Taihe and Epstein-directed Humpty Dumpty Institutes.

Lula, the Brazillian leftist, is “closely attached” to Bulgarian Communist Irina Bokova who, after the fall of Europe’s Iron Curtain, has set up shop in Beijing and at the United Nations. more here

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