Keep a large can of Glade® sitting in plain view of the cameras on the podium for use when anyone from CNN (the Clownfart News Network) decides to out-gas one of their Leading, Fake-News questions.
They’ve called themselves “The Fourth Estate” for so long that they believe it to be fact. They gladly gave their pens and phones to Obama, never realizing that Trump would toss them all in the trash.
Tough times for the revolving door crowd: no media jobs, no government jobs, no campaign jobs, no Clinton Foundation jobs. Keith Olbermann may be a trend-setter.
Please let me correct:
They made their bed now they are LYING in it.
Trump probably could have gotten Rush Limbaugh to be his press secretary with the right contract terms:
1. You get paid $1/yr.
2. You only have to work 1 hour a week.
3. You get to treat the press any way you like.
We may be losing the Ringling Brothers Circus.
But the Trump covering media circus is just getting started!
How to identify a member of the press: They are the ones with the curdled milk faces, crapping their diapers, sucking on their Obozo-shaped pacifiers and emitting loud ‘wah, wah wah’s’.
@TexasGunOwner -How about a big pink pussy bow tie? 🙂
After watching Trumps first press conference,I’m left hungry for more. How about one a week in prime time Mr Trump, I need a reason to start watching TV again.
How about he gets rid of the clown press?
I’m GLAD Kirby is gonnnzzo
and big yellow polka dot bow ties
They made their bed now they are laying in it.
Keep a large can of Glade® sitting in plain view of the cameras on the podium for use when anyone from CNN (the Clownfart News Network) decides to out-gas one of their Leading, Fake-News questions.
They’ve called themselves “The Fourth Estate” for so long that they believe it to be fact. They gladly gave their pens and phones to Obama, never realizing that Trump would toss them all in the trash.
Tough times for the revolving door crowd: no media jobs, no government jobs, no campaign jobs, no Clinton Foundation jobs. Keith Olbermann may be a trend-setter.
Please let me correct:
They made their bed now they are LYING in it.
Trump probably could have gotten Rush Limbaugh to be his press secretary with the right contract terms:
1. You get paid $1/yr.
2. You only have to work 1 hour a week.
3. You get to treat the press any way you like.
We may be losing the Ringling Brothers Circus.
But the Trump covering media circus is just getting started!
How to identify a member of the press: They are the ones with the curdled milk faces, crapping their diapers, sucking on their Obozo-shaped pacifiers and emitting loud ‘wah, wah wah’s’.
@TexasGunOwner -How about a big pink pussy bow tie? 🙂
After watching Trumps first press conference,I’m left hungry for more. How about one a week in prime time Mr Trump, I need a reason to start watching TV again.