Shame Old Song and Dance – IOTW Report

Shame Old Song and Dance

Stilton’s Place: Given the increasingly angry political rhetoric in our country, it was only a matter of time before things got dangerously out of control and took an ugly turn. Sadly, it happened a few days ago when alleged entertainer Rosie O’Donnell (whose actual cause for celebrity is a complete mystery to us) stormed the White House gates with a coterie of Broadway performers who unleashed a “shock and awe” barrage of assault showtunes. Even worse, some reports also suggest that “jazz hands” were deployed.

O’Donnell, who is probably best known for being too annoying for even the other co-hosts of The View to endure, perhaps hatched the idea in hopes of replicating the famous siege which brought down Adolf Hitler in the waning days of WWII, when he committed suicide after his bunker was surrounded by a repertory company performing “Fiddler on the Roof.”

A tiny flaw in O’Donnell’s otherwise brilliant plan was that President Trump wasn’t actually in the White House during the minstrel show, meaning that the performance (complete with a large “Treason” sign in simulated theatrical lights) was observed only by peons on the sidewalk who couldn’t afford to attend an actual Broadway show without selling their children’s vital organs. more here

16 Comments on Shame Old Song and Dance

  1. I notice all the peeps pictured have run multi billion dollar cooperations, negotiated with the worlds greatest minds and come out on top. Raised 4 kids that could slide into Trump International as CEO and nobody would no the difference.
    Oh wait. You mean they haven’t done shit with their lives. Man, being a court gesture does not qualify you to be an authority an ALL. In fact your probably a fucking idiot. Why reconfirm that daily? These people need a serious fucking reality check. If I ever see Micky Rourke walking down the side walk, I will knock the Muther Fxcker out. I promise.

  2. The only reason I pay any attention at all (and that’s not much) to these … people … is the same morbid curiosity that made carnival side shows exhibiting freaks popular in the past. Their manic and rabid reaction to PDJT is so outlandish that they hardly seem human.

    Call it a character flaw if you like, but there it is.

  3. I’m going to buy more ammo. You know I bought several hundred rounds of sub sonic ammo thinking that supressors would be available for purchase without federal paperwork being required. But that hasn’t happened. I guess I have something to do in the next few days.

  4. joe6pak

    Let me check some shit out. However that Subsonic will run fine. But for killing everything on your driveway I’d go Super. There’s a coupe places selling it pretty cheap right now.

  5. Uncle Al August 8, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    They will start it, or maybe already have, judging from last weekend in Portland where 20 of the assholes were caught. These incidents will grow more violent till they introduce deadly weapons. Then either the authorities put an end to it or it escalates to a civil war. My guess is that a few of them are crazy enough to do it, but it will likely end up in a shootout like in 1974 with the SLA in Los Angeles. The left lacks guts, we all know it.

    If it comes around my neighborhood, and the police don’t stop it….my AR-15 needs a workout.


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