Shameful: Was The U.S. Getting Ready To Shoot Down Israeli Warplanes? – IOTW Report

Shameful: Was The U.S. Getting Ready To Shoot Down Israeli Warplanes?

obama fly

Hannity: Sean is calling it “the scariest story you’re ever going to hear”, but the mainstream media doesn’t seem to be too concerned.

According to a story at the Wall Street Journal, the relationship between Israel and the U.S. is so strained, that the U.S. might have, at one point, been ready to shoot down Israeli warplanes.

Adam Entous over at the Wall Street Journal reports:

The U.S. closely monitored Israel’s military bases and eavesdropped on secret communications in 2012, fearing its longtime ally might try to carry out a strike on Fordow, Iran’s most heavily fortified nuclear facility….Worried that Israel might ignite a regional war, the White House sent a second aircraft carrier to the region and readied attack aircraft, a senior U.S. official said, “in case all hell broke loose.”

So, whom were they getting ready to attack in case “all hell broke loose”? Iran or Israel?

Sean makes the case that it was Israel.

27 Comments on Shameful: Was The U.S. Getting Ready To Shoot Down Israeli Warplanes?

  1. I have zero doubt Obohamed would kill Jews given the chance to get away with it. He was born and raise muslime, and even his apologists can’t deny that.

    It’s widely accepted as fact that personality and core beliefs are pretty much set by the age of 5 or 6.

  2. Astonishing, isn’t it? A Jewish friend of mine routinely blames Israel for causing all the problems with their “settlements”. He’s also a firm believer that only the government should have guns.

    How a mature, educated man, who lost family in the camps can hold these views is simply dumbfounding.

  3. The report seems to offer the conclusion that the US could, in fact, shoot down Israeli planes. After the politically correct Air Force has gotten rid of all of it’s best pilots? Perhaps we would soon be looking at a report headed: Israel shoots down American air planes.

  4. I have more than a few things to say on this one, but I will try to keep it short.

    As a former carrier sailor, I cannot imagine receiving orders to shoot down Israeli aircraft in defense of Iran. I was one of those who served and I know my shipmates all never signed up to fight Israel in any way.

    Part of the excuse being peddled for the lack of any meaningful response to the Benghazi attacks is that there were no assets in the area. I made three back to back deployments on the USS Eisenhower to the Med, and we were often the only thing keeping the cork in the bottle. Since Obama took office there has not been a carrier task force assigned to the Med, which is one of the reasons the so-called “Arab Spring” got so far out of hand.

    We could not have a carrier in the Med to prevent muzzie terrorists taking over Libya, Egypt, Syria, and everywhere else, but we can station an extra carrier task force in the Persian Gulf to defend Iran’s nuclear sites?? Around that same time, the Navy was allowing the NBA to stage a pro basketball game in the hangarbay of a Nimitz carrier as well.

    I read that article yesterday in my morning WSJ and my blood pressure has not returned to normal yet. I’ve been thinking of how many ways I could sabotage a Nimitz class steam catapult system so that it could not launch an attack on Israel, and wondering how many of my shipmates on active duty right now were thinking the same thing.

    Be sure to go read the whole article. If it doesn’t piss you off, there is something wrong with you.

  5. Your friend is a JINO, Jew in name only.
    My wife escaped from the USSR only to come here and see the same thing coming, she’s pissed. All my Jewish friends are very conservative, love conservative Christians and fully support Israel.
    Did I mention that I’m Jewish and find that my own country is on the wrong side of this with Israel? The Bible is very clear on this…

  6. Israeli fighter pilots are the best in the world in my opinion. Any US pilot with any common sense wouldn’t tangle with them.

    If Obama wouldn’t launch against them, it would be because he would have embarrassed himself in doing so – and he knows it.

    Go Israel !!

  7. About 40% of my customers are Jewish – I’m referral only.

    I am always surprised at the ones that are Lib and anti-gun. It’s about 50-50.

    After learning about the holocaust at my Mother’s knee – I am astounded they would not only let it happen again but vote it in. I just don’t get it.

  8. If this piece of shit administration attacks any of Israels interest, we all must scatter heaven and earth to stop it. The Israelis aren’t perfect, but they are God’s people and we should err on the side of caution. I don’t want to make God any sadder than I feel he is.

  9. Chieftain, as another former carrier sailor, Amen. In Oct. 1973 at the start of the Yom Kippur war the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 almost went to the Middle East in the defense of Israel. If things had gotten a little more out of hand we would’ve been sent over there instead of SE Asia a month later. And, I can’t imagine under any circumstances a Skipper or crew of a US aircraft carrier obeying what I and everybody else who is sane knows to be an unlawful order from this CIC. There would be Hell to pay immediately if this were to ever happen.

  10. If you’ve ever seen the great black and white movie The Bedford Incident with Richard Widmark playing the obsessed Skipper of a US Navy Destroyer who is so intent on destroying the enemy in this case the Russians that he starts an accidental nuclear war where he ends up destroying himself and his ship and a lot of others. This is how obsessed barry is towards the Israelis and it wasn’t good in the movie and would be far worse in reality if he were ever allowed to get away with trying to destroy.Israel. Both Richard Widmark’s character in this move and barry are as obsessed as Captain Ahab was in Moby Dick that it ended up destroying themselves and everyone else.

  11. Now that we know without any doubt where he stands on our ally Israel, I’m actually wondering if we were attacked by China or Russia (or both) if this Manchurian Doorknob would command the military to stand down!
    After all, nuthin sez “C’mon in boys, it’s all yours!” like a autocratic, Bush-blaming, healthcare-destroying, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Constitution-stomping, race-baiting, America-hating, flat-footed, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic socialist Marxist!

  12. One more thought on this. I did 20 years in the Navy on aircraft carriers, five of them in total. I never, in all that time, met a Naval Aviator who would have willingly shot down an Israeli jet for any reason.

    Our pilots do joint tours with theirs, so we can know each others means and methods to aid in a mutual defense. Our pilots know their pilots personally, They have met each others wives and kids. They drink beers together. There is no conceivable way our guys would ever see one of their personal friends and allies as an enemy no matter how big of a muzzie the CINC is.

    Moving a second carrier to the Gulf is one thing. Actually launching a US attack against an Israeli strike force is another, and something nobody I ever met ever conceived would be possible. Tom Clancy never dreamed up something like that.

    This is obscene. There is no way the Hildebeest did not know about this one, it happened on her watch.

    I’m still pissed!

  13. thanks for the encouraging words. i read that article and about popped. I could not comprehend any US Sailor or pilot to obey an order like that. It would just be inconceivable to me. Thanks again.

    I pray every day that i outlive that soot smelling, foul, demonic spawn of satan.

  14. I am Jewish also and if anything gets me over-the-top angry is the way these so-called educated Jews support that Muzzie, Commie Piece of dog sh!t.

    What is wrong with the Jewish people — do they have a death wish? Do they have short memories? These are the same tunnel-vision folks that kept thinking that ‘it can’t happen here’, while they are being herded onto the trains to the death camps.

    Just like Conservative blacks who can criticize the ghetto low-lifes and legal immigrants who can criticize the illegals, I think that I can criticize them with impunity. These American Jewish liberals make me sick….

    Israel — continue to be a light unto the nations and keep standing strong!

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