Sharing is Caring – IOTW Report

Sharing is Caring

26 Comments on Sharing is Caring

  1. You know what I just realized?

    All those zombies that you see in movies and in tv walking around should have their pants around their ankles after walking around and turning more and more into zombies.

    Think about it. They never pull up their pants. They all get skinnier, more ghoulish. Ergo, zombie hordes should have all their pants around their ankles.

    Yes…I actually think about this stuff.

  2. Why stop with pants, A. Burrbot.
    Shirts, underwear, shoes, socks etc. eventually become rags and drop off zombies, too.
    Result – naked zombies. Hey isn’t that the name of an 80s punk band?

  3. “Why stop with pants, A. Burrbot.”

    I dunno’, I hadn’t got any farther than that. The idea of hoards of the living dead shuffling along some interstate with their pants around their ankles seemed like a fine idea.

    A noble thought, worthy of contemplation on it’s own merits.

    The sort of thought that belongs on the mantelpiece above the fire, in easy view from a comfortable chair.

    Or perhaps waterproofed and set afloat in a bubble bath.

    Why a thought like that could be nickle plated and mounted on the hood of the finest of automobiles as an ornament.

    I could take it on a world tour and charge the crowned head of Yurrup just for a mere glimpse of its wonderment.

    Eventually I’ll franchise the idea and retire in gold plated splendor and gem encrusted opulence… eventually dying content in my money bin, crushed under a collapsing tower of Krugerrand’s.

  4. …if you’d ever smelled a post-mortem fart, you’d probably pull the zombies’ pants up YOURSELVES just to get SOME filtration from that hideous stench, brain exposure be damned, maybe oven hope they eat at LEAST your olfactory center, its genuinely that bad…

  5. Aaron — You undoudtedly know what an amazing force for good you could be with those incredible writing skills of yours.

    Turn that God-given talent toward its goal.

  6. The only time the hubs wants me to wear his shirts is when they shrink in the dryer or he out grows them.
    And not because he thinks I look sexy in them. Because he can’t bear to throw them out or give them away. 🙂

  7. I was inspired.

    Yesterday I was bringing groceries inside (long,long driveway).

    And my pants……

    my pants fell down.

    There I was shuffling up the driveway with muh pants slipping lower and lower…. got around my ankles by the time I made it to the kitchen counter….

    At least the kids were amused.


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