Sharp jump in unemployment raises recession fears – IOTW Report

Sharp jump in unemployment raises recession fears


Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released Friday paints a dismal picture for the nation as an increase in the unemployment rate triggered panic on Wall Street.

The latest jobs report “revealed that the unemployment rate last month jumped from 4.1% to 4.3% – still a historically low figure – but a sign that the U.S. could be in the early stages of a recession based on one measure,” reported USA Today.

“Stay calm. Most economists say the measure – called the Sahm rule – probably doesn’t apply this time because of the unprecedented ways the pandemic upended the economy and labor market,” the outlet added. “Still, a 4.4% jobless rate is roiling stocks and may signal further weakening ahead in an already slowing labor market.”

Economist John Lonski said he can “smell a recession” coming. more

9 Comments on Sharp jump in unemployment raises recession fears

  1. We have a great Economy!
    There’s no inflation!
    We have the best jobs record of anybody!
    For 3.5 years democRATz have raped the shit out of America using a grinning imbecile as the dick!

  2. Is it possible that those in control really don’t want Kamala either but they couldn’t dump her outright, so now they are starting to release bad news so they can dump her?


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