Sharpton: Democrats Needs Them Some ‘Spectacle and Drama’ – IOTW Report

Sharpton: Democrats Needs Them Some ‘Spectacle and Drama’

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: When you’re a tax-cheating race-hustler with an ever-diminishing hold on your former glory, you look for ways to stay in the news. You attach yourself to the right causes, organize marches for possibly nonexistent issues, work to gin up racial strife, and do whatever you can to keep your name in the papers. If your relevance has collapsed in your own country, you head across the pond and offer your dubious wisdom to foreign leaders.

And that brings us to Al Sharpton.

After a visit at 10 Downing Street, Rev. Al spoke to British reporters. He offered a sampling of his usual “everyone’s racist but me” schtick, and offered Democrats some terrible advice as they head into the midterms and 2020. MORE

16 Comments on Sharpton: Democrats Needs Them Some ‘Spectacle and Drama’

  1. I will say it once… I will say it again…and AGAIN:

    Tawana donchta wanna? Al?

    Apologies need to go to Steve Pagones family and other families Al destroyed at Freddies…


  2. @ radio so and so – maggot sh-t bag?

    Come up with something better ‘suited’!

    Look up AS and ‘SweatSuit’…talk about James B wanna B


  3. “”Speaking to a group of Guardian journalists following a visit to 10 Downing Street and a session with black MPs,…””

    So much to say, so tired of saying it. If 10 Downing Street was stupid or conniving enough to give him an audience, well, I say no touch-backs. He’s theirs’ now. Just let us know where to ship all his stuff?

  4. Spectacle and Drama? This ain’t the games at the coliseum, it’s much more dangerous, it’s politics. Of coursed Al has never had a cognizant thought in his life as he sees racism in everything. How in the hell anyone buys into the crap that comes out of his mouth is beyond me. I have known sewer rats that I liked better than Sharpton.


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