Sharpton threatens ESPN with boycott – IOTW Report

Sharpton threatens ESPN with boycott

In that case, there will be no one left watching.

AM: Rev. Al Sharpton doesn’t have a problem with making implied threats of violence to the world’s largest sports network.

Sharpton, the host of MSNBC’s “Politics Nation,” was discussing with his panel controversial ESPN reporter Jemele Hill and her recent remarks on Twitter accusing President Trump and his cabinet of being white supremacists.

Sharpton was all too happy to come to the defense of Ms. Hill.

“What many of us in the civil rights community are saying is that if ESPN does this, they’re going to face the wrath of a lot us,” Sharpton said.

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14 Comments on Sharpton threatens ESPN with boycott

  1. “What many of us in the civil rights community”

    First of all “al” get the name of your organization correct.
    Its called: “The Black Grievance and Extortion Industry”
    Secondly, no one give a shit, because ESPN is doing a fine job on it’s own, killing itself.

  2. The boycott will never happen as long as the NBA and NFL are broadcast on the network. it’s about being entertained. If NBA and NFL games were broadcast exclusively on the WSN (White Sepremicist Network) the fans of both sports, white/black/brown would still watch the games because they want to be entertained. No one cared when Rush/Schlling/Ditka were canned. Everybody still watched. it wasn’t until Kapernik (and crappy games) that the NFL started seeing ratings declines.

  3. We’re with you on this one Al. But for different reasons. Kaeperdick and his band of sisters are assholes, and you are still a phat phucking racist shakedown artist. Good luck with the shakedown though, it just may wake up the NFL to reality.

  4. Even though my favorite baseball team is in the playoffs and has a good chance for the World Series I will boycott any and all games played on ESPN, ABC, FOXSP-1 because of their nonsense PC crap.

    It’ll hurt but I will hold myself to it.

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