Shaun King is boycotting the super racist NFL – IOTW Report

Shaun King is boycotting the super racist NFL

Patriot Retort:  


Shaun King is super angry!

The stupid NFL is racist because none of the teams will sign stupid Colin Kaeperknees.

Therefore Shaun King is boycotting the NFL.

And he means it!!!

Yeah. The NFL is so racist, 70% of all NFL players are black.

Which by my math makes the NFL 69.5% more black than Shaun King.

Hey, boycotts may work, Shaun.

After all, the reason the NFL saw a drastic bleeding of viewers last year is because so many of them were boycotting the NFL over Colin Kaeperknees.

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27 Comments on Shaun King is boycotting the super racist NFL

  1. Poor Shaun, Just another unnoticed white boy trying earnestly to convince everyone he’s black.

    That’s OK Shaun, Bruce isn’t a woman, either.
    But you know what?
    Nobody gives a rats ass about you, Bruce or what either of you think you are. You are what you are…… sick white boys.

  2. NFL teams aren’t refusing to sign CK because they are racists.
    NFL teams aren’t signing CK because (a) he’s a pain in the ass, (b) he has the emotional maturity of a grapefruit, and (c) he’s poison to the bottom line.

  3. PHenry, King achieve some notoriety after he appeared as a self-appointed spokesclown after the Ferguson riots and the rise of BLM. It later turned out that although he presented himself as a “person of color” he is actually utterly Caucasian, his little be-bop under-lip hair tuft notwithstanding.

  4. Shawn King is a white boy who can’t jump.
    How screwed up must you be that you can’t live in your own skin, you have to change, not only your color, but your sex;
    That’s how far over the cliff the left has gone. They are insane.

  5. Well, that’s it, I guess.
    The Command Post at NFL must be scrambling like Hell. All running around with their arms over their heads shrieking like little girls!
    Colin’s got hisself another white bitch.

    I don’t know if I can stand the drama *yawn* .

    This is almost – ALMOST – as Earth-shattering as when it was discovered that rabbits live in the woods.

    izlamo delenda est …

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