She Accused Just About Everyone – IOTW Report

She Accused Just About Everyone

It didn’t matter to Carroll, who has accused multiple men of sexually assaulting or raping her throughout her life, including

27 Comments on She Accused Just About Everyone

  1. Bat guano crazY……I bet clinton(bill or hill) would even hit that.
    When you consider all the beautiful women TRUMP has had….you just know that
    e-cunt carroll is desperate & delusional.

  2. @MrLiberty:

    She’s probably a virgin.

    Heh! I think you may well be correct!

    You know those closet system setups for women with lots of shoes, the ones with dozens and dozens of little cubbyholes? She probably has one of those for her vibrator and dildo collection.

  3. Meanwhile, Nikki says the $83+ million verdict was fair.

    How does this work for those who are suggesting Nikki as Trump VP?
    I even heard Clay Travis (Hal of the Clay and Buck attempt to replaceh Rush Liimbaugh)said she would be the ideal running mate. I’ve also heard Joseph deGeneva and his wife Victoria suggesting the same.

  4. I doubt ANYONE would engage in sex with her of their own choice.

    However, she has SODOMIZED the NYS courts, including juries, by exposing THEM for their utter contempt for JUSTICE and Truth.

  5. I was never rich like Trump and I was quite active as a single guy. But I never lowered my standards enough to touch any woman that looked like that and hissed like a rattlesnake.

  6. 1. She was probably a slut her entire life.

    2. She only falsely accuses men who made it abundantly clear they found her completely unattractive.

    People who are serious about preventing rape should utterly loathe this crazy bitch.

  7. More lawfare against President Trump and the United States of America.
    The courts are corrupt – particularly the New York, Arizona, Illinois, and Georgia courts.

    These corrupt “judges” and law-maggots will have to be dealt with, sooner or later. If they continue, our nation becomes (if it hasn’t already) the laughingstock of the World. Our judicial system is as rotten and corrupt as any third-World shit-hole/banana republic on Earth – once the envy of the World – it is now a cudgel – a means of plunder, deceit, and oppression.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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