She Has a Breakdance Degree? – IOTW Report

She Has a Breakdance Degree?

The Australian Olympic breakdancer Rachel Gunn, aka RAYGUNN, is a perfect example of how woke white women with their academic “superiority” ruin everything.

28 Comments on She Has a Breakdance Degree?

  1. There is no counter argument that Paris was a big step on the continuum intended to ruin the “modern Olympics”.

    All values of Western Civilization have been targeted for destruction. Much of that destruction is nearly complete. Just look at the world.

  2. When I heard she had a PHD I looked her up. I watched her jump around as I read her PHD is in Cultural Studies with an emphasis on dance. What BS. She conned Australia into sending her to Paris for a vacation.

  3. She can explain every part of every nuance of the cultural relativity of ‘breakdancing’ without the slightest feeling for what the exercise is. She’s almost certainly sincere and well meaning or at least the remains of well meaning, the ridicule may have burned her some.

    Education WILL NOT displace talent or aptitude or natural feel, whatever you want to call it. The main failing of those who sell education (other than selling PHDs in some bullshit like breakdancing) is the mistaken belief that education will overcome a lack of aptitude.

    If she has a complaisant attitude I extend my sympathies on the mistake, if she’s the superior snoot type, PHD and all, then, couldn’t happen to a nicer girl.

  4. Well, she certainly broke dancing at the broken Olympics.

    I bet that if you looked, you’d see that world records—in actual sports—are being broken more often at events within those sports which are held every year or every two years. This gives serious contenders more opportunities to compete within the short limt of their peak.

    And many of them have noticed that theyvare competing for the benefit of a corrupt, nepotistic IOC royalty, and that the lure of an athlete scoring big through product endorsements is an illusion, especially when the endorsements are mostly snagged by professional athletes who are already celebrities.

    The Olympics are more spectacle than games now. They’ve already started letting frauds buy their way into the show, and it’s becoming meaningless as a benchmark in sporting competition.

  5. God is allowing the progs to go full speed and put what they are on display for all the world to see. Their arrogance and narcissism blinds them to reality and they are happy to oblige.

    Voltaire – “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”

    God has allowed them to go all out and it is backfiring on the bastards bigly. A few years ago this idiot would have been given the Gold Medal and been praised as a visionary. Look back to their “Pride” events and it is apparent that they jumped the shark a few years back and people who held their tongues are now openly criticizing “the excesses.”

    Their pride, or arrogance, if you will, is what has allowed the mutts who are running the crumbling institution that once was respected throughout the entire world to pull this shit. They deserve every bit of scandal and disgrace they have brought on themselves… and then some.

  6. And some quotes from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Socialism of any kind leads to the total destruction of the human spirit. And these 2 quotes could happen to us if we also forget God, “A great disaster had become Russia: men had forgotten God; that’s why this happened.” And finally. In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the state.


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