She is against studying civics – IOTW Report

She is against studying civics

21 Comments on She is against studying civics

  1. …since she speaks Spanish, does that mean she thinks only a marine biologist can handle a Kia Tiburon?

    …or that a Buick Verano can only be used in the summer?

    …just wondering if she’s stupid in EVERY language, or just English…

  2. Different Tim
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 7:16 AM
    “Government officials are always being carried around the city in big black Suburbans. What do they travel in for trips to rural areas?”

    …i don’t think they go there, not enough dead people to interest them, and the living ones are too independent to easily enslave.

    …that’s why they want popular vote, so they can ignore all THAT entirely…


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